GOP – party of backbone and integrity.
The whole Republican Party is a con job. Why would little Marco disavow that?
Supporting a con man for president ought to render him unelectable.
Well, he does make the trains run on time.
Because as we all know, Rubio is a man of his word! Vote for Rubio! He thinks Trump is a con man, but what that just what America needs–a con man President.
I’m little Marco and I approved this message
In a dairy, the cream rises to the top.
In a sewer, shit floats.
L’il Marco’s drinking himself a shit float.
One has to wonder what sort of Christian these GOP hypocrites are and how they can look at themselves in the morning.
“The Senate is not a subsidiary position to the presidency. It’s its own independent vote, and that’s what I’m asking people to vote for.”
You mean you are asking people to show up to vote for something? That sounds like a lot of effort, M.
After grousing for eight years about Obama acting unilaterally and there’s nothing the senate will/can do about it, now he say’s that the Senate will/can hold a rogue con man in check? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer
Let’s dispel with this notion that Marco Rubio has a principled bone in his body.
Of course he supports him; he’s what is financially supporting the GOP! It’s big, traditional capitalism that has no limits of how to do business! That means using capitalism’s two(2) major rules: coning and bullying people into “deals”.
Why does the descriptor “sniveling little weasel” come to mind?
You and Reince are cut from the same cloth, lacking in principle, ethics, honesty or any other minimum requirement to hold office or a position of authority.
Party before country ALWAYS
Why is this a surprise? Rubio is a con man in his own right.
Just what do Floridians see in this guy? He’s a ridiculous little person and by my estimation, not all that bright or charismatic.
Shorter Rubio: I wish I was as good as The Conman, Trump.
Rubio has no problem with authoritarian government. He just thinks he should be the Great Leader.
Really showing your love for our country now, huh, Rubyo? You are so dishonest that you would support a con man to run the country instead of a former Secretary of State? You are a disaster. Please leave us alone and go back to Cuba.
Follow up: should you win your primary, how quickly will you disavow the nominee?