Discussion for article #245162
This has all the sober dignity of a bunch of tweens in a pillow fight at a slumber party.
I bet he was wearing his extra tall big boy boots when he squeaked out the dictation for these manly words.
Did this article explain how Cruz was involved?
I don’t have TPM’s man crush on Cruz, so I don’t necessarily keep up with every one of his bowel movements.
So sad, no one wants to dance with Kinky Boots.
“Trump said late Tuesday that he would not take part in the Fox News debate scheduled for Thursday. Cruz then challenged Trump to a “mano-a-mano" confrontation.”
I think Cruz and the aspect of his involvement are cited in this passage. Then again I went to public school, so you may want to review it for yourself.
Actually, a pillow fight at least is direct. This is passive-aggressive nonsense, unbefitting any serious potential leaders of anything, much less candidates for President of the United States.
So many Caligulas, so few little boots…
Too bad for Rubio he’s polling at “sideshow” level himself.
"A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he has to say something."
I keep forgetting – is Marco Rubio Larry, or is he Shemp? Must be Shemp.
I guess Marco realizes he’s not much of an attraction. Without Trump, very few eyeballs on the debate.