Discussion: Rubio Says People Can't Live On $11 Per Hour But Opposes Higher Minimum Wage

A golden shower for America, courtesy of Marco and his leash-holders!


“I have the full confidence that the American private sector, made up of
the most innovative and productive people on this planet, won’t just
create millions of jobs. They will create millions of jobs that pay
more. Because even the jobs that are being created now don’t pay enough.
You can’t live on $10 an hour. You can’t live on $11 an hour,” he said
during a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Wednesday."

Word salad worthy of Sarah Palin.

Rubio has no idea what the hell he’s jabbering about.


“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” Fletcher in Josie Wales.



WAY better, because the effect on the economy of marginally greater activity in the gold plate market is much, much less than that of the dozens to hundreds of folks of more modest circumstances who would ‘choose’ to use the extra cash to eat, or feed their children, or buy clothes, or contribute towards paying the rent.

Krugman & other economists point out time & time again the country’d have been MARKEDLY better off blanket having parachuted wads of cash than giving billions to a few filthy rich.


And yet dim bulbs will reflexively vote for republicans and directly against their own economic self interest. It truly boggles the mind.


Actually, forget this munchkin sounds like a good plan.

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Those Americans who know that he is paid $174,000. a year and doesn’t show up to actually vote in the Senate 30% of the time but instead campaigns in various states don’t much like it either.


We just misunderstood Rubio. He’s saying that he has faith that the private section will create many more low-paying jobs so that people with a single minimum-wage job can have more than one. FIFY Marco!!


Re: his other statement post debate about 'free stuff"—clearly, he supports more subsidies to large corporations that choose to undercompensate their employees, comfortable in knowing that the US taxpayers will pick up the tab for their employees to have housing, food, medical care, and so on… FREE STUFF for billionaires!


He’ll be the perfect counterweight on the Jeb! ticket, the rich guy who doesn’t give a shit either


I can’t help seeing Rubio as one of the lollipop kids of munchkin land.


According to this:

We have been waiting for that “trickle” to arrive for a damned long time. If it hasn’t shown up in 119 years it ain’t gonna.
And that graph should by rights be very disturbing to everyone.


true fucking ASSHOLE admits its a legit and serious issue and admits HE DOESN’T FUCKING CARE! nice, so right wingers can you defend this? is this leadership? give me a fucking break. they want to elect an admitted ahole who doesn’t give a shit about his constituency.


Tell us how ya really feel :smile:

I agree

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Can he twist himself up any more?


This asshole is one greasy fucking liar. Who in the hell suggested min wage hikes were aimed at the middle class? You don’t ban chemotherapy because it doesn’t help a sunburn. You do it because you don’t like folks getting chemo and it’s benefits. As for the “America is the greatest and will make top paying jobs” spiel…if that was true he wouldn’t be discussing any of this. And Democrats if you are listening…here’s Rubio again talking about what he want’s to take AWAY…min wage hikes. Rubio just want’s to take shit away. The man that said Democrats just want to give stuff away no less. That’s an opportunity Democrats…


I consider myself extremely fortunate. I’m a woman who works a full-time retail job that pays more than minimum wage and gives full benefits. I have health insurance, I get an hour lunch, I accrue vacation time and sick time that does not disappear if I don’t use it. I’m about to go on maternity leave, and while the leave offered is pathetic compared to countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, it’s golden compared to most jobs in this country: my company gives me a full four weeks of paid leave, plus gives me the option of taking an additional twelve weeks leave using my vacation time, sick time, or unpaid personal time. And it’s the same for paternity leave as well. My boyfriend is the manager of a restaurant and doesn’t even get paid paternity leave. My employer is also extremely environmentally conscious, and they have a policy of sharing profits on a quarterly basis with all employees as bonuses (we don’t always bonus, but it’s nice when we do). Yes, I am extremely fortunate.

However, while I make more than minimum wage, I don’t make anything close to $15 an hour. If I did, our little family would have far fewer struggles and be able to live a much better life. And, as I said, we’re already fortunate. I cannot even fathom at this point how hard it is for people - especially women - who work jobs that offer far less than mine does. Raising the minimum wage would not only be a huge boost to the economy, it would also be an enormous weight lifted off these people, making life just that much easier.


True voodoo economics in the actual-needle-in-the-actual-neck sense or the colloquial “just-lie down and die” version.

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Your worthy thoughts needed to be directed to an editorial page where you’d find a lot of agreement and a counterbalance to heartless R bloviating