Discussion for article #245426
“I think people realize on the Republican side that we cannot afford — this country cannot afford — to lose this election, and that I give the party the best chance, not just to unify the conservative movement, but to grow it,” Rubio replied.
At least that part is on the right track…Conservatives are always responsible for GROWING the government regardless of their ‘limited government’ pandering.
Rubio: “I was second among the losers! ____ Winning! Duh!”
In all seriousness, he is now ( Jeb’s campaign is in a coma and its blood pressure falling quickly.) the GOPig “establishment” candidate with the best shot at the nomination and they will rally behind him big time with cash aplenty rolling in.
I think voters are hoping that Rubio has had time to learn to drink water on national TV. Hillary is going to make him do it if he makes it that far.
If Rubio wins the election in 2016…becomes POTUS, that will signal the end of America as we know it. He’ll place at least 2 SCOTUS Justices and have a GOP congress behind him. Given what he said above and the GOP’s first order of biz always, entrenchment of their party…you can bet it gets pretty shiity in the USA in the years to follow. In time, probably after I’m dead, America will right itself but it’ll be so deep in the shit by then it will take 50 years or more, if ever, to get it right again.
“grow the GOP”…despite the poor English he makes his point. That’s what he’s about.
Whether it’s the Democrats or the Republicans, who really cares what some caucus goers in Iowa think about anything? They are representative of almost nothing.
As for Rubio, he’ll finish behind Kasich New Hampshire, and the Republicans can then pretend that he is the anti-Trump.
I’m THIRD! Woot Woot!
I just don’t understand where he gets off saying Republican voters realized he was their best shot. At least 52‰ voted for Cruz or Trump. The Crazy Caucus share of the electorate gets even higher when you toss in Carson. It’s not so much that GOP voters decided he’s their best shot, the majority disagrees, it’s that a majority of establishment voters thought so. Good luck out west and down south where the only people who hate the GOP establishment more than Democrats are Republicans.
If they realize it, why did they reject him last night?
What he was really saying is that he’s the only candidate that the big money Republicans think has any chance against a Democrat. Pretty sad. Rubio is is what they are willing to waste their money on? He’s another Romney.
Their own voting base doesn’t want him. They’re saying that they would take a chance on Bernie, a socialist, before Rubio. It’s really, really pathetic what the GOP has been forced to accept as their champion…a third place finisher.
Too few people, even conservatives, are willing to identify with what the Republican Party has become. All of the top three canidates personify something the electorate hates…crazy religious, crazy rich and crazy stupid and corrupt.
On to the next event where even Huckabee will say he “won” by dropping out.
Kaisch is gong to win NH? I highly doubt it it unless you mean finishing fourth or fifth is now considered “winning” in the GOP. Christie might return from the dead in NH but not the guy who pushed through a lot of the worst Bush/Cheney employment, financial and economic policies in Congress.
Those New Englanders know where every penny of their taxes and life savings went to between tax shelters for the rich and the worldwide banking collapse. Kaisch gave it all to foreign multinationals and banking frauds.
It’s hard to believe the GOP could find a candidate with less charisma than John McCain or Mitt Romney, but Rubio might be that candidate.
Kasick will do well in NH. He’s essentially planted himself there, as Cruz did in Iowa. And he has won several local paper endorsements across the state. He may not win, but he’ll surprise. Plus, remember, we’re not talking about winning the support of all NH voters … just NH Republicans. His message plays well with them.
It would be really awesome to have somebody in the White House who would be as personally vulnerable to blackmail by vicious Latin American drug cartels as Rubio is.
Translation: “I may be utterly incompetent, financially sleazy, borderline criminal, and a total imbecile with no viable plans or even the slightest understanding of even the most basic issues, but I’m not totally insane like Cruz and Trump.”
A stirring GOP alternative, indeed.
“Ted’s whole campaign is built on this notion that he’s the only one that’s a pure conservative, that everyone else is a RINO or a sellout. It’s just not accurate. His record is one of calculation,” Rubio said.
This was actually one of the smarter comments I’ve read about the Senator from Texas.
This week we’ve also been treated to a rare moment of lucidity from Butters as well, also on the topic of Calgary Ted, when he pointed out that Cruz is such an asshole that he’s hated by everyone, and won’t even be able to get anything done with own party.
“Cruz 2016: So Bad He Actually Forces other Republicans to Make Sense.”
Then why did you come in third?
Republican Voters Realized ‘I Give The Party The Best Chance’
for a 3rd place finish.
You have to drink their fetid Kool Aid to get to a place where what comes out of the average GOP candidates mouth makes any sense at all.