Discussion: Rubio: 'No Doubt' Obama Loves His Country, But His Policies Are Bad

Discussion for article #233455

Grudging respect for Rubio. Disagreeing with Obama’s policies is part of the time-honored tradition of American politics. Launching an ad hominem attack, accusing him of being some sort of traitor, is over the line, and reveals the mendacity of those making the charge.


I guess in today’s Republican Party, this qualifies as a Profile in Courage.


Giuliani’s statement was a racist fog horn.


Agreed with a capital grudge. Having enough class not to repeat or equivocate on an absolutely ridiculous and obviously false accusation is simple decency. But it certainly does make him stand out from the other no-class moral dwarves.


To be fair, accusing the other side of treason and failure to love the country enough and lack of true 'Muriken-ness is also a time-honored tradition in Amurikan politics. But yeah…that doesn’t mean we have to like it or accept it or can’t ridicule it as the bullshit it is when we see it.

Rubio’s response is the correct one and the adult one and I give him credit for that. The fact that he was able to make it also highlights just what spinelessly pandering pussies folks like Walker are when they avoid answering the question as a way of giving the racist base a wink and a nod while maintaining plausible deniability in terms of the rest of the public. That being said, Rubio’s still wrong on the substance of the policies issue and will no doubt say something puerile to balance this out soon enough anyway.


Or qualifies as sanity.

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I’m having an over whelming sense of deja vue where we go through the clown car and let every potential Republican candidate weigh in on whether or not Obama “loves his country.”


True enough. Reading some of the stuff from the 18th and 19th Centuries is a real eye-opener. Accusing your opponent of buggering schoolboys, robbing orphans, and selling the Nation’s soul to the highest bidder was pretty much par for the course.


So who cares what rubio thinks?

It’s certainly Groundhog Day, isn’t it?

To what end?

To build a crescendo of “Obama hates America” to greet Benjamin Netanyahu, the real president of the US?

I wonder.

It does seem that the wingers have whipped themselves into amping up the nuttiness to 11. Why? I still think it’s because deep down they know they’re doomed. But I’m sometimes optimistic that way.


Haha…yeah. In fact, if I remember correctly, some of it was so bad it would never fly in today’s world and would result in a slander/libel suit faster than you can say “Scott Walker swallows David Koch’s man yogurt.”


Looks like the repub pre-primary is going to be full of these little litmus test, where republicans nose in on each other to register opinions on every mundane controversy. Fitting, since it is the political bed that they made, they can sleep in it. Scandal/circus politics are a huge waste of energy, but it isn’t threat to the sane. It will slowly peel back the layers of crazy on repubs and forces crazy onto those who need the “credibility” with their voters.

Rubio’s comments start sane, which is nice; but, he looses points on the follow up. Obama’s policies have been great for the country, while Rubio’s policies are what lead the country to near economic collapse. A half sane republican is still half crazy and a threat to the country. No golf claps for partial sanity.

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Oh, for the love of Christ!

This is what passes for political discourse today- a serious debate about whether the President of the United States loves his country?

Fuck all of them and their hedging replies.

The only response is to say forthrightly that Rudy Giuliani is a ridiculous horse’s ass.


Sorry guys, it is not a Profile in Courage - it is only self serving Rubio thinking - Oh my God, if i do win the Presidency this is how they’ll treat me ??

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I guess they are muted on OBAMACARE, now they are coming with a different critique. Having to provide millions of Americans affordable care, is that unpatriotic? They blame Obama for everything including their divorces.

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“I think we should talk about ways we love this country and that we feel passionately about America.”

Please, let’s not turn this into a boy scout fap session, please?


PUSSIES!! Real Republicans aren’t satisfied with talk about loving our country! Only an Official American Flag Lapel Pin worn proudly on the collar of your $5,000 suit shows the depth of your devotion to The Best Country In The World!

As has been noted in the past, Obama has egregiously failed the test.

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I agree. I am fed up. Time to turn off the political websites. Enough already


It will stop when Hillary finally declares her candidacy. Then she will become the target of the attacks.