Luke Letlow, a Rubio delegate, told The Hill. “It’s left us to get the message out that we haven’t chosen a side and that we remain uncommitted.”
he later clarified by saying that while not committed we are well medicated… we’re also willing to be lubed with copious amounts of cash…
Trump: Its already working. I give it a week and then they would support me. In about a month, all of Cruz’s delegate will abandon him and support me. I have lots of money and power.
Cruz: New York values can be detrimental to non-New Yorkers.
“Tassin and another delegate, Kirk Williamson, told The Hill that they’ve both been contacted by the Trump campaign, but not by Cruz.”
Leave it to TrumpCo to accuse someone else of what they themselves have done! Maybe ElDonald is a GOPer after all…
Clinton: Republican values can be detrimental to everyone.
Sanders: I’ll give you free stuff and make the rich pay for it!
Funny how people talk about “free stuff” like subsidized public college tuition but never mention “free” aircraft carriers.
Four of the five delegates previously bound to Rubio wrote in the letter that they will not select a new candidate until the convention in July, according to The Hill.
Technically, no delegates are selecting a candidate until the actual vote in July, so this means approximately nothing, huh?
4 of 5 have signed a letter saying; “What is worth to you?”
Yeah, that’s really amazing, isn’t it?
"Half my friends say Trump, the other half say Cruz, so they’re not
helping me out. Some mornings I wake up leaning one way, others I wake up
leaning another," he said.
I’ve also heard said —
" If you walk the fences long enough …
yer bound to get yer nut sack tangled "
Really bad if it’s barbed wire —
Trump, if he gets to the magic/tragic 1100 number will have a powerful argument. It will be that free deligates should support him for the ‘good of the party’ so it won’t tear itself apart. Essentially ‘nice party you got there, shame if something happened to it’ but with a little pizzazz (and some perks).
What I’m really intrigued about is Cali. How will the party elders stick the shiv in using Cruz? Will Jockitch even be a factor in California? Wish I knew how to read entrails because I have a feeling there will be a lot lying around.
The delegates unanimously feel there’s plenty of time to spell out what’s in it for them, before the show starts.
Interesting way the GOTea allocates delegates in California:
Tuesday 7 June 2016: All 172 of California’s delegates to the Republican National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders in today’s California Presidential Primary.
159 district delegates are to be bound to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the 53 congressional districts: each congressional district is assigned 3 National Convention delegates and the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in that district will receive all 3 of that district’s National Convention delegates.
13 at-large delegates (10 base at-large delegates plus 0 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) are to be bound to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the primary statewide.
The selection of Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates to the Republican National Convention … shall be chosen by the Presidential candidate who obtained the plurality of Republican votes within each Congressional district, and, for … at large … by the Presidential candidate who obtained the plurality of Republican votes statewide. [Standing Rules and Bylaws of the California Republican Party As Amended 20 September 2015 Article VI Section 6.01 (A)]
In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the California’s Republican Party, will attend the convention as pledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Individual CD and At-Large delegates are chosen by the Presidential candidates.
Each delegate to the Republican National Convention shall use his or her best efforts at the convention for the party’s presidential nominee candidate from California to whom the delegate has pledged support until the person is nominated for the office of President of the United States by the convention, receives less than 10 percent of the votes for nomination by the convention, releases the delegate from his or her obligation, or until two convention nominating ballots have been taken. Thereafter, each delegate shall be free to vote as he or she chooses… [California Elections Code Section 6461.©]
I’m willing to bet that Red Ted takes the rural counties, of which there are quite a few in California.
Half my friends say Trump, the other half say Cruz,
You need new friends!
You know…the more you read about this primary / delegate shit you’re inclined to ask why the dog and pony show? Why not flip a coin or have a 1 time national convention and sort it out there? What’s the point in having folks vote in a primary if you’re going to ditch what they voted for in favor of what you wanted in the first place?
hahahahahahaahahhahahahaha … thanks for that