Plague on both their houses.
Pro-tip to Rubio: Women in America ARE Americans.
Pro-tip to Gillibrand: Pure political stupidity. Good way to drive off male voters who would otherwise vote Democratic.
Can’t stand either of them
Rubio is just a dick . A veritable political weather-vane
Gillibrand is a little too smug and seems to think her shit don’t stink and I will never forgive her for hanging Al Franken out to dry
Not even 9 AM and the derp is overwhelming already…
Oh, it is going to be another great day to be short the S&P…
Hannity’s mad. Rubio’s mad. Good.
“not based on…religion” then a few words later “God-given right”
Um, ok.
The future is Chinese, Marco. Partly with your help. Thanks loads.
An American with Bills to Pay
LOL. Our future may be American but our present is white nationalist — because li’l Marco and his fellow GOPers are too chickensh*t to stand up to a fascist.
Snakes on a Plane.
An identity based not on gender,race,ethnicity or religion. But on the powerful truth that all people are created equal with a God given right to life,liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
So where do atheists derive their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Poor lil’ Marco.
Don’t be silly, atheists don’t have rights.
Yep. And the number of voters who are clamoring to hear more about intersectionality are, in my view, statistically insignificant. If you want to talk about how things are set up to be unfair, talk about it the way Obama could, in normal human words, not pomobabble. That was the great lesson he came to teach, you morons–communicate with people in terms they can understand.
It’s all “identity politics” unless white males do it. Denying blacks or women right to vote that’s “identity politics”, so are paying females less for the same job, Jim Crow laws, the all white male “greatest generation”. And of course #MAGA is nothing but pure identity politics.
Pull up your big boy panties Marco. The women are here to stay.
And Liddle Marco, worry when you see women coming your way with one of these
Don Jr. commented on this too. Seems like a coordinated response.
“The future is American” begs the question,what is American? White male dominated? Racist? Misogynyst? Women objects of hate and violence? .???
The rubber band applicators work too.