Warner does his job therefore he should be fired.
That’s Faaux news for you…
And Trump is still going on about Hillary Clinton, as if she were still the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, directing the activity of her many highly-placed, madcap minions. The fact that she out-polled him is something he will apparently never get over.
WOW… Trump is a bigger a55h0l3 than I thought.
If every “bombshell” was a giant fart like this one, instead of being devastated, Hiroshima would have just been a very stinky place.
I won’t bother saying it’s bogus, everyone reading here knows that. But Jesus, what an impressionistic jumble of garbage is what we’ll laughingly call Trump’s mind. WOW antagonist Russia DOSSIER oligarch everyone colluded but me HILLARY BECAUSE REASONS oligarch “paper trail” Russia scary bad WOW. Life’s randomness is a Rorschach blot, looking at which he sees and voices his fantasies of being a titanic figure of unquestioned perfection.
Uh oh little Marco is going to be in trouble with dl over this
Trump is “truth challenged” much in the way he is "follicle challenged."
Who would have thought we’d see Rubio carrying water for a Democrat?
I am so sick of Fox. Somebody should buy it from Murdock and then close it down.
Holy Mother of Nagasaki …tough!
You are the Bard of this Zeitgeist.
And not spilling it!!
Who would have thought we’d see Rubio carrying water for a Democrat?
He isn’t, Marco is in for the 2020 run for presidency…
Would someone please tranquilize Cadet Bone Spurs or at least get the butterfly nets ready?
That’ll be the most benevolent euthanasia of the Century!
The closing of Fox News would be the greatest service a person could perform for this country and democracy.
Is that trump’s hand going for little Marco’s neck in that pic?
So, who on the committee leaked these texts they’ve had for 4 months? Is it the same info Assange was trying to launder through Hannity when he DM’d a fake Hannity Twitter account a little while back?
“Fusion GPS was first hired by Washington Free Beacon during the primaries when GOP wanted to help other GOP candidates. Steele was hired later when DNC hired them.”
Could one of those other GOP candidates be Rubio?
Which Democrats are Bob, or Kevin, and last but not least Stuart?