And if you believe he won’t change his mind on this as soon as someone tells him to then you must believe Rubio has a spine and conscience.
There’s also the question of firepower. It’s hard to imagine a person with a pistol surviving a confrontation with a shooter with an AR-15 and body armor. As we both know, the people who propose this stuff get off on imagining situations in which they’d goodie gumdrops actually get to shoot a human being. Also as we know the NRA is essentially funded by gun manufacturers so its raison d’être is selling guns. There are three million teachers in the country. Say you arm 20 percent of them, that’s a pretty good payday for the gun makers.
“Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) broke with President Donald Trump on Wednesday… and said he was not “comfortable” with arming teachers to prevent attacks.”
In our NRA filth-choked country, THIS is known as a “profile in courage”! Pathetic, huh?
I pointed out on FB how dangerous this would be for the teachers chasing down an attacker armed with a semi-auto weapon and the calamity it would cause since law enforcement wouldn’t know if the person running around with the gun was the shooter or a teacher. A person I know from an extremely small town (maybe five or six stoplights) was saying how well it’s working in her hometown. She said the police know who the teachers are that are allowed to carry guns, so there would be no issues with misidentification. It was pointed out to her by several others what a complete disaster it would be for larger cities and communities where everyone doesn’t know everyone. I asked what would happen if state police or other departments from the surrounding area responded. She didn’t have an answer for that.
Very true. SWAT trained officers die while wearing body armor when the perpetrator is armed with an AR-15. Teachers armed with nothing more than a handgun would be wildly outgunned.
And how will the district afford to cover the liability insurance and settlements when a teacher inevitably shoots and kills an unarmed student or an innocent bystander?
This guy should have been stopped before he got the gun.
Rubio had a rough night last night, judging from this:
Membership in the NRA should be considered a sign of serious mental illness that makes a person ineligible to own a firearm of any kind.
Neuter the NRA is my new mantra on this matter.
Absolutely, and are we really expecting these teachers who only signed up to teach to now put their lives on the line chasing after someone armed with an assault weapon? How fucking ridiculous is this to even imagine? Stupid people really shouldn’t be allowed to watch action movies.
Precisely right. I am watching Ryan, the young man how debated Rubio last night, on CNN. And it floors me that CNN pushes back on the notion that Rubio was offering up double talk. Defending Rubio because he was “on the hot seat”. Please. He chose to be elected Senator, and gets paid very well by the taxpayers to listen to Florida’s constituents when issues arise. Its his god damned job to “be on the hot seat”.
CNN, you can base that upon the fact that Rubio has a long history of saying one thing when he perceives it as politically expedient and then do an about face when it comes down to brass tacks. Remember the immigration debate in 2013??
Anyone thinking Rubio is suddenly going to grow a spine and take a stand against the NRA (let alone just refuse their money), has never looked at this guy’s history.
Teachers are not exempt from mental illness anymore than the rest of humanity. Sooner rather than later, one would start shooting up a classroom or other teachers.
[quote=“pluckyinky, post:21, topic:68870”]
Will they be given the time off for this training and who pays for it?
[/quote]I’m sure the Trump administration and DeVos Education Department could find the money for guns and training (through her brother’s company) by taking funding away from school lunch programs, before and after-school programs (that keep a lot of at-risk kids off the streets, enrichment programs. Maybe cut teacher salaries, since so many Republicans think they make too much…and, besides, they’ll be safer now so they should be willing to give a little back for that.
Having worked in education for 15 years in a high poverty, high crime community and concurrently in another district at an alternative night school for at-risk kids, I have some experience that informs my beliefs about this issue and a number of others in education. My sarcasm about this keeps me from going off even more on these fucking idiots.
We’re expecting them to shield them now with nothing more than their bodies.
And they are doing it.
Or shoots him/herself. Or some 12-year-old gets hold of the gun and shoots him or her or someone else.
Anyway, they don’t need liability insurance – they have an inexhaustible supply of thoughts and prayers.
Just as the answer to nuclear proliferation is not more nukes, so the answer to gun violence is not more guns. You’d think someone with a modicum of common sense would point this out.
What about this idea- ?
Instead of banning guns, we say we are so much for the 2nd Amendment that we want it on steroids! We want it enforced to the letter… “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” — that’s from my Khizr Khan - style pocket constitution.
Here’s the emphasis part:
A well regulated militia Show me any regulation at all to this ‘militia’. Maybe the local National Guard could have them do drills. Maybe they can march for donald on Pennsylvania avenue. All of them. The more I think about it. They can demonstrate their patriotism by spending 1/2 day every week – doing drills – and studying the laws and the constitution.
Yeah, I know it is a pipe dream. Have them wear uniforms, carry a militia ID card, bring ALL their firearms each week to the meetings, and spend their time away from what they want to do – to become a well regulated militia. They are not regulated at all in the least. Love the idea that they would have to bring all their firearms – I know someone who has 3 maximum sized ‘gun safe’ (Think of a closet) – stuffed with guns and ammo. Just moving/hauling them would be exhausting.
Maybe we zero in on the regulation part and not the armed part.
Just saw the NRATV spot blaming the media for school shootings. Morning Joe showed it. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.