Well, that’s the new standard, right? If the sky doesn’t fall, it’s all good.
“Ross: ‘I Don’t Think Sky Will Fall’ When We Add Citizenship Question To Census”
No, Wilbur, but your sky will be falling when Team Mueller finishes auditing those Bank of Cyprus records.
“Duck and cover!”
Ok, I’m a US citizen, and I’ll complete the census as normal, but I’m inclined to not answer this particular question at all, either yes or no. What would happen if millions of us just left it blank?
Is that your final answer, Wilbur?
Did Wilbur Ross wake up and utter this nonsense?
The latest conservative gimmick to counteract evidence-based criticism is to cry alarmism. Look up climate alarmism as an example. “Stop being an over-reacting elitist” is bound to be featured soon in an argument near you.
““People do not need to worry that their privacy will be abused by the census,” he said.”
Righty-O, Wilbur buddy.
Everyone: Start to worry.
Well, one thing that could happen is that Representative apportionment to the House of Representatives could be affected, which in turn affects a state’s number of Electoral Votes. I know that the Constitution (you know, that sacred document revered by all red-blooded conservatives) states otherwise, but that is what conservative judges are for…
“People do not need to worry that their privacy will be abused by the census,” he said.
“We are just asking the question to help ICE with its enforcement activities,” he continued. “What could possibly go wrong?”
We’re not all quite dead yet, so it’s all very copacetic like.
“I can’t hear you, @irasdad. La-la-la-la-la-la-la.”
“The Justice Department requested early this year that the Census Bureau reinstate a citizenship question to provide more detailed data that the department could use to more effectively enforce the Voting Rights Act.”
Why is this statement made as a fact when we all know that the Orwellian opposite is the truth?
The sky won’t fall. Just the numbers of people counted in areas that would be expected to lean Democratic. And they’ll be underrepresented for the next 10 years. By sheer coincidence we learned today of a study saying Wisconsin’s voter suppression kept 200,000 people from voting. The number Trump won by there? 22K. That’s one nifty way to push a democracy closer to the authoritarian side of the continuum. You punk.
BTW what an attractive man. Always reminds me of this guy:
No one has ever done it better than Chas Addams. I love that.
“Ross said his office plans to spend $500 million in advertisement explaining the data cannot be used for immigration enforcement or purposes different than the compilation of census statistics.”
Which nobody will believe for a hot red second. Nobody is fooled that there are limits to what the GOP will do to maintain their own brand of white power and control over the country. Because there are none.
Those things were works of genius. Only a few other cartoonists from the great days even come close.
And when it comes back with less self-reported undocumented immigrants than before, Faux News and the GOP will run around screaming that Trump should be thanked for making such wonderful progress reducing their presence here. As a result, the confirmation bias and white nationalist messiah worship from his base will result in rabid defense of the numbers as accurate, not junked up by the fear of the citizenshihp question.
You can take THAT to the bank.
Hmm…I seem to remember another republican cabinet member sarcastically referencing “the sky is falling”…let’s see…who was that…Oh yeah, it was Donald Fucking Rumsfeld, admonishing us for being so concerned about the Iraq non-strategy. Republicans keep dredging these fucking lunatics from the muck at the bottom of the swamp. And they keep making the same boneheaded mistakes, and defending themselves with the same idiotic phrases. Their irrational policies match their jaw-dropping stupidity.
Just to expand and confirm your impression for those who aren’t woke, yet.
History doesn’t bear out Wilbur’s claim. Remember those pesky Japanese Internment Camps from 1942- 45, Wilbur? Do you remember where the authorities got the information they used to put those American citizens (in many, not all cases) into concentration camps?
It was the 1940 Census of Housing and Population, Wilbur.
Your promises aren’t worth the paper used to print them, buddy.