Discussion: Ronan Farrow: Ask NBC Why It Passed On 'Reportable' Weinstein Story

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My guess, is they were worried about blowback, i hope this story doesn’t try to overshadow the main story.


It will because it will suit the right wing narrative. Farrow has his own agenda which is distinct from the women’s stories.


What is Farrow’s agenda? I always feel a bit bad for him when people make fun of Trump’s small hands…

I’m always the slightest bit put off by Farrow. Can’t put my finger on it. In a strange way he affects me the same way Jane Fonda does.

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Farrow’s been a passionate defender of his sister’s accusations of sexual molestation against Woody Allen – I think that’s where it’s coming from. He’s been calling out Hollywood and the media for a long time for shielding powerful figures when they’re accused of sexual misconduct.


His agenda is to tell the truth and report fearlessly—especially about sexual abuse of women.
In that goal, he follows in his mother’s and his grandmother’s footsteps.

Your agenda, on the other hand, is to post lies and obfuscations and hijack every thread.

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Sounds pretty reasonable!

Or. He’s just trying to make a name for himself with his mother’s money and fame. Weinstein’s story is just a convenience for Ronan.

I suspect every reporter writing a story has an agenda of some sort. Given Farrow’s family history, sex abuse by a rich and powerful media figure is probably something that shades his reporting, but the Weinstein case is extraordinarily serious and needs to be investigated. If it is proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he did the things he is accused of having done he should go to jail.

I wouldn’t doubt for a second that people in the entertainment divisions of the various networks, which includes all of the news executives, would hesitate to report the Weinstein story out of fear of retribution.

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Right. /sarcasm

Why would you try to change the focus from the decades-long pattern of sexual assault of women by a powerful Hollywood starmaker with the complicity of virtually the entire film industry? Whether Farrow gets a gold star on his resume for reporting this out (along with the NY Times reporters and the many victims who have now spoken out) is completely insignificant.


Farrow’s motives are obviously colored by his sister’s accusations and it always bothers me that he has been so unrelenting in his hatred for his father. But let’s be clear – not all accusations are equal. Weinsteins abuses are chronic and documented. Woody’s are the completely unproven – and possibly manipulated – accusations of a child in the midst of a custody dispute. That said, I applaud Farrow’s work on the Weinstein story, regardless of his motives.

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Thank you, Ronan.

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when ever one of these stories surfaces about the boorishness of an influential man…my question is…what did the women get for submitting to the man? I do not doubt that these things happened…i just would like to know’the other side of the story’… and why are people so put out by this stuff…WTH… we have one of them sitting in the oval office…he admitted it, in his own words.

NBC has conflict of interest problems when it comes to trumpita. But, instead of telling the truth, they are lying about their reasons for refusing to air this story.