Discussion: Romney Won't Attend GOP Convention With Presumptive Nominee Trump

There goes the Mormon (second ‘m’ is silent) vote.


There will not be a single living past GOP nominee at the Convention. HW and W are both skipping it. McCain is skipping it. Romney is skipping it.

I suppose they might dig up the festering remains of Reagan, but that’s about the best they can do. Though I suspect he will dissolve into dust in protest if they try.


currently on my playlist…for all the wrong reasons.


He had a previously scheduled date, with a horse, named Ann, er, Rafalca.

They say Stevie Nicks’ lawyers will be there to hammer out the finer points of her next song.

Drumpf has hired a local businesswoman who works for Winfred-Lauder to serve as convention hostess



im eating thanks

Am I bad to hope that the convention dissolves into chair throwing festival of non-lethal mayhem?


Actually, you may have something there. The Mormons I’ve met over the years have always been very concerned voters. Conservative, yes. Crazy, no.

You’ve got the wrong photo.

Yes. It’s Ariana.


If that makes one bad … then I don’t wanna be right. :smirk:

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Is ZsaZsa Gawhore a liberal or a conservative this cycle?

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Well, she’s a very wealthy “liberal” who has been all in for Bernie Sanders … so it wouldn’t be too far out of the question to guess she’s a Trumpster now – so as to start that danged “revolution.”

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She was all in for Neutered Gingrich, too.


It is hard to imagine Utah voting for Clinton, but Trump only managed 14% of the vote in the primary. If Clinton keeps the same 250,000 votes that Obama had in 2012, she might carry the state by default (a lot of GOP ballots with no vote at the top of the ticket).


Time to ask Mike, her gay ex-husband, I suppose.


There is one former Presidential nominee (or President) planning to attend, it was just said on MSNBC: Bob Dole. Which could be interesting, actually. It wouldn’t be totally out of character for Dole, a Jeb Bush supporter, to show up, attract every reporter and microphone in the place, and then utter a couple of his “frank” thoughts and opinions.

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I don’t get it?


She just “Hates Hillary”, which has always been her political party!

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