Discussion: Romney Warned Bush He’d Have ‘Very Hard’ Time In 2016 Race

Discussion for article #244264

Since Romney seems to have been mulling a run himself at the time, that could, uh, you know, be one of the reasons Bush didn’t take his ‘advice’. It being self-serving and all. Mittens seems to have left that part out.


Jeb! is! a! flop!


The bland leading the bland.


See? Even Romney gets it – a Clinton economy always beats a Bush one – Romney made out like a fucking bandit back then, so he knows of what he speaks.


Romney knows a loser when he sees one.


Has anyone - anyone! - seen JEB! make an effort ?

Trump, at least, puts in some serious effort, JEB! is very low enery…

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Precisely. Romney was hot to trot and launch a third campaign at that time. Whatever was said, I believe its more likely that Bush “convinced” Romney to give it up. Because he announced he wouldn’t be running within a week of that meeting.

I expect Bush made it clear that Romney wouldn’t have the big money donors if he ran, and would have to spend his own cash. Nothing scares a billionaire like the idea of parting with his own money.

This is just some self serving “I told you so” nonsense on Romney’s part.


It sounds like Romney touched on the most obvious issue with Jeb’s 2016 bid. But separation from his brother is not the only issue facing Jeb. He is also having a hard time separating himself from Romney and Republican establishment candidates who no longer offer the base enough of the crazy.


Well, in all fairness, RMoney should know. He was all for the War in Iraq himself, totally for regime change, lied about UN inspections aka “the Bush lie”, flip-flopped constantly on whether we should have had a timed withdrawal, and eventually thought we never should have left Iraq after all…which would mean we would still have combat troops on the ground to this day had he been elected President. The man never met an inconsistency he was all too willing to claim on both sides of an argument.

Jeb! by all means, keep taking this guy’s advice and you should be at about 1% before the end of the month.


Jeb fits a metaphor from Saki: a hedgehog masquerading as a powderpuff.

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What cracks me up about this is that even though what Romney’s saying is essentially true, those aren’t even the reasons why Jeb! is doing so poorly. If he were a Reagan, Jeb! would be doing just as badly because he comes across as incredibly weak, he’s a terrible campaigner, and, most importantly, because he’s woefully disconnected from the heartless, soulless GOP as is possible.

The GOP no longer wants subtle dog whistles and nudge nudge, wink winks. They want their candidates screaming expletives and shouting slurs. They no longer want to hear how you will make marginal changes that will hurt brown and black people. They want to hear your plan to round em up and deport em, even and especially the ones claiming to be born here. They no longer want to hear about how tough you’ll be on crime. They want to know when the annual Purge will begin. They want nothing of this “Obama’s awful” business. They want to know where you’ll hold the lynching party on day one of your presidency. They don’t care to see you get tough with HRC. They want you to slap her across the face with your penis and make her fix you a sandwich. That’s what Jeb!, Romney, and, to a lesser extent, even McCain didn’t understand.


You’re a bush jebbers, it is ALL about the past!

We are still recovering from the last bush!



Take it from the last gop/bag loser…he’s knows what he’s talking about!


Mittens had Trumpet’s support and Jeb* never did.


It really is the height of dickishness to publicly say “I told ya so” to a guy who is already suffering humiliating defeat. I’m not sure if that says more about Romney or Jeb!.


You summed up exactly what is wrong with Jeb*s candidacy to a T. It’s hard to talk down a legacy baby from believing that all he has to do is show up and the job is his.


Jeb* Lllol That’s awesome. And that photo, as well as the many others of Trump cozied up with establishment Republican pols, is going to come back and bite them on ass when they all start trying to flee the top of the ticket.



an oligarch bromance. how touching.