Discussion: Romney To Trump: You Must Say Racists Are 100% To Blame For Charlottesville

I wish these damn conservatives could be more consistent about race and social issues.

But then I guess they wouldn’t be conservatives, would they?

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Yeah that does seem to be about the time they went off the rails. Failure to fight for the public option and insistence on compromising with republicans in exchange for none of their votes was pretty shocking.

I just read today that Seb Gorka’s wife zeroed out DHS funding for combating white supremacy. It’s like the Trumpers served this issue to dems on a silver platter.

I don’t want to imply that statues aren’t important, but FUCKING NAZIS ARE IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

Didn’t Romney eat crow?

two things made me happy this year. that picture, and fyrefest

Yeah, but, thing is…

They are betting on, basically, “And what are you going to do about it?”.

Protests are good, but it’s votes (or, as Uncle Joe liked to remind people, who counts the votes) that really matters.

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united in the holy belief that women are lesser beings and 2nd class citizens

Mitt, I’m here to help. You’re absolutely right, but the message has to be tailored to fit Trump’s narrative:
“The racists who are 100% responsible for Charlottesville are the nicest friends I have…”

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Well, they’re related with the Sharia types in that, too, but they still want to murder each other.

It was 46%. Now it’s 70% of 46%.

That’s what he had instead of the meatloaf.


Romney has said more forcefully and in more depth anything any republican has said by way of condemning 45. If you ask why someone should give a fuck about what he said, this is why. If they had his cojones they’d do the same, but they don’t. So give the man respect from stepping away from the uncaring pack of entrenched pols and saying something that matters. Romney’s entire Facebook is worth reading, not just the paragraph here. He ends with this.

And once and for all, he must definitively repudiate the support of David Duke and his ilk and call for every American to banish racists and haters from any and every association.
This is a defining moment for President Trump. But much more than that, it is a moment that will define America in the hearts of our children. They are watching, our soldiers are watching, the world is watching. Mr. President, act now for the good of the country.


Sorry, but I don’t see how this resolves until the GOP itself offers a Mea Culpa. They’ve been the post-Confederate grievance party for better than 50 years, during which time “small government” has largely been a euphemism for “let the states persecute at their pleasure.” And for those relatively few true economic ideologues, like the dazed Ayn Rand fetishists, they knew what train they were getting on.


There is no chance of Trump apologizing because in Trump’s entire life, he has never been able to see himself as wrong. At all. Ever.


LOL. Mitt Romney is 6’2", but you’d never know it looking at that slouched, submissive table posture.


Trump could’ve bit through a two penny nail spitting out the Monday “racists are bad people” speech he was made to give. On the few occasions he’s ever remotely conceded a mistake he quickly follows with a renunciation of his own words, so much do they pique his anger and vanity.

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The Bishop forgot the meme that racists are hateful libtards … and that the White Nationalists are doing the right thing out of love for country :smiling_imp:

Just look at the expressions on both of their faces. It says everything.

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OMG, you win it today!


Finally, the break the Romney campaign has been waiting for!


All well and and good. However back in 2012 Romney with wife Ann by his side accepted Trump’s endorsement in Las Vegas with a sheepish grin on his face. Another one of those moments when the Republican establishment threw out any sense of morality and decency. Romney’ dad stood against the Trumpism of his day aka The Southern Strategy. The son, not so much.

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