Discussion: Romney Plans To Paint Hillary Clinton As Out Of Touch On The Economy

Discussion for article #232600


I’d be worried if I were you, Hillary. He has binders full of poor people.


Romney was for inequality before he was against it.


A billionaire hitting a millionaire about poverty and income inequality and being out of touch about it seems…I dunno… effing insane.


“Unlike Hillary Clinton, I think there isn’t enough poverty”


Was he riding the dancing horse when he said it?


“Everyone should have the opportunity to buy their own planet in afterlife”

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This may make the bagger’s lil wieners stiff, but it won’t take away any of Hillary’s voters.

…and BTW, she hasn’t announced she’s running yet.


Jesus H. Christ on a cracker - can’t one of his Mormon handlers get him to LISTEN to how he sounds!!! He’s gonna attack HRC for benefiting millionaires while her husband, former POTUS WJC, created a non-profit foundation to work towards global (and domestic) incentives for economic equality. Uh, huh.

And why has he got this jones about the navy?? Why does he care if China has a larger naval fleet than ours?? As someone who lives in Brooklyn, China is NOT attacking NYC and they do not have warships in the Hudson. Just lots of wealthy Asian people buying up real estate.


So the argument includes the following elements:

  1. When rich people are doing well and getting richer, they create jobs.

  2. The rich are doing great and getting far richer while the poor suffer and the gap is widening!!!

  3. No. 2 is horrible and it’s because there are no jobs!!!

  4. What we need to do to get those jobs is we need to make the rich even richer in an even faster manner so they’ll suddenly create those jobs, because the reason they’re not creating jobs is because they’re getting richer faster than everyone else, but it’s still too slowly.

Does anyone else see the insane self-contradiction built into this line of argument? I actually WANT them to continue making this argument so we can finally find out if there’s even one Dem/liberal out there who has the fucking balls and wherewithal to force the MSM to admit to the undeniable factual underpinnings of that self-contradiction. It simply doesn’t work. It’s what we’ve been trying and the evidence is undeniable AND IT’S NOT PRODUCING THE PROMISED RESULTS. THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE. If that Dem/liberal exists, then that person should be POTUS. PERIOD. If he or she doesn’t exist, then it’s the last time I’m tolerating the Dems’ complete and utter failure.


“I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we’d put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6%”
-Romney, 2012

Obama’s cut it to 5.6% in a little more than two years.


Former Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney (R-MONEY) is worried that the multi-millionaires are falling behind the billionaires.


Wonder if Mitt has been able to find his tax returns yet?

Probably will say that he has looked, but with so many homes it is a big job.


The man is a walking cartoon.

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Another big problem for Romney is that in the US, “the GOP Haves” (and “the GOP Barely Haves”) don’t really compare to those above them. They try to maximize the distance between themselves and the Have-Nots. That gap is the scorecard for a huge portion of the GOP base. The gap means they are better than someone else. The gap defines them.

They like making the gap bigger either by making themselves richer or the Nots poorer. Talk of minimizing that span is NOT going to make them happy.


safe to assume he’s for raising the minimum wage and raising taxes on rich people?

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Doesn’t this clueless motherfucker have anyone around him to point out how much of a joke he becomes every time he opens his mouth? Or are they just as stupid and delusional as the dipshits that Sarah Palin surrounds herself with?

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This is like Ronald McDonald dissing slaughterhouses.


He is trying to inoculate himself against the most potent criticisms by attacking the opposition at his own weak point.

Since he can’t make lemonade from the lemons in his arsenal he is trying to change the subject.

The whole approach makes you wonder if he has any serious politicos advising him. He needs somebody that he trusts that can look him in the eye and tell him he is full of crap.

No matter how hard he tries to convince the world that he is the reincarnation of St Paul after the road to Damascus… everyone knows he is still that rich man trying to shove that camel through the eye of the needle.