Discussion: Romney Mocks Trump’s 'Foreign' Wives: There ‘Are Jobs Americans Won’t Do’

It’s those fingers.

Foreign wimmen loves them teeny, tiny digits


I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that joke before. Was it Trevor Noah?

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Who knew this guy was funny? Somebody give Romney a job as a weekly columnist to criticize Trump.


If you amortized over the course of a year what Trump pays for each act of sex he performs with Melania I imagine it costs him the equivalent of a Porsche Carrera to get laid.


This is disgusting. Nothing new for Romney.


If Mitt Romney had shown this sense humor instead of repeating wing nut talking points he might had made the 1012 election tighter.


I guess Mitt is Mormon “enough” to have some impact on how Mormons vote in Utah. And kudos on his repeated attacks on Trump (even if they are the warmed over jokes of others).

Didn’t Rrubio try this tactic? Doesn’t seem to have worked out all that well for him.

How anyone could come to believe that Rmoney is the Republican’s elder statesman now is beyond me, but by all means, carry on…

What a mean-spirited piece of shit Mitt Romney is. I hope he wakes up every day humiliated by the shellacking Obama gave him.
And yes, I detest Trump as much as anyone.

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Proving once again that Romney doesn’t have an original thought in his head. That joke came from the Justin Bieber roast, where someone said Selena Gomez’s relationship with Bieber is latest example that “Mexicans will do the disgusting jobs Americans just won’t do.”
Here’s the link: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/justin-bieber-roast-comedians-mock-selena-gomez-2015153

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Mitt Romney, during the 2012 Presidential campaign: “We use Ann sparingly right now, so that people don’t get tired of her.”

OK, the polygamy joke is actually pretty funny.


What a ridiculous waste of life thing to tweet.

Instead maybe try pressing on the mythical Trump policy or the years worth of racist, bigoted, fascist, narcissistic things Trump has said?


Are you kidding? This is comedy gold considering the source, even if someone more clever said it first. And, along with comparing the size of GOP candidates’ dicks, very much in keeping with the tone of the Rethug primary.


Mitt has a nice head of hair for someone who’s over 1000 years old.

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Pretty funny line. Not sure it really leaves a mark. But I kind of assume the real goal with some of these jabs – aimed as they are at Trump’s short-fingered insecurities – is to provoke Trump into an over-the-top crude response. Of course even if that works, it probably doesn’t hurt him much in the GOP primaries. But in a contested GOP convention, Trump’s crudeness and thin-skinnedness and tendency toward making threats and throwing tantrums could still help sink his chances. So Romney probably figures just keep poking him, see if you can get him to explode and finally say something even Republican base voters will find disqualifying (it remains to be seen if such a thing even exists).

Of course even if they can’t deny Trump the nomination, anything Romney and the rest of the anti-Trump Republicans can do to get him to react in immature ways to their various taunts increases the chances he loses the general…and I think Romney’s probably fine with that as Plan B. It looks to me like a significant number of establishment Republicans would truly rather see Trump lose in the general, and then try to come back with a “real” Republican in 2020, rather than see Trump take the Oval Office in the name of the GOP. Can’t say as I blame them. And from my point of view, it’s not that they don’t deserve Trump destroying their party, they do, they very much do. But not at the cost of a Trump presidency.


well hot dam who thought mittens would be smart enough to hire someone to write him a decent zinger like that

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I, for one, am enjoying Mitt’s new career as an insult comic. I’d say I’d try to catch his show in Vegas, but I have a feeling Branson is more his speed.


Mitt should have just used this map.

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