Discussion: Romney: 'I Cannot Subscribe' To Silence On Issues Of Trump's Character

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Hey Mittens …

Can I have a ride on your elevator ? ? …

Weeeeeeeeeee —


Romney is as decisive as always when it comes to Trump. I guess he considers it leadership to sit on the fence and only take the side that serves him at the time. Tomorrow he will be back on the fence leaning the other way.


“He said that while he supports much of the Trump administrations’ successes in the past year …”

Ok, so let’s see, Trump administration successes in the past year from the perspective of Mittens R. Money:

  1. Passing a tax bill that shoves yet more of the nations wealth upward to the 1%.

  2. … ? …

Yeah, that checks out.


Oh, Mittens! You are such a fucking phony you make even Melania look like a real person.


He said that while he supports much of the Trump administrations’ successes in the past year,

Someone should ask Rmoney just which successes in the past year he supports. Might be real telling as to what the constituents will get with him as Senator.

Then again, I’d like to know what constitutes success in Rmoney’s eyes.


“Unless I want to run in The deep south. Then, His character is just peachy and I’ll subscribe to silence like it’s a gosh darn youtube channel about starching suits.”


Which issues of Trump’s character and agenda can’t you "subscribe to’, Mittens? The 47% that are absolute idiocy, or the 53% that are batshit crazy?


Oh Mitt, STFU. You are like all of the other “principled” Republicans, which is to say, useless.


Trump’s success with the economy is like his wealth. He inherited it.


"I believe that when you are known as a member of a “team,” and the captain says or does something you feel is morally wrong, if you stay silent you tacitly assent to the captain’s posture.”

You’re running to be a U.S. Senator. Despite your claim to care about what is “morally wrong,” this is still clearly an attitude of party over country.


OK, Mitt. If you really “cannot subscribe” to staying silent, then how about instead of speaking in broad generalities that make it seem like you’re calling out and disagreeing with things Trump says or does … give us a list - a specific list - of the things you disagree with. It should be a very long list if you mean what you say, so you can stop at disagreement number 100.


Talk about letting your feelings about someone be known…


Perception is everything.

This forum has gotten a bit shrill IMO of late, rather than keeping cool (calm) and carrying on.

We need to remember that (banana) Republicans love trump. This article from the Texas Tribune tells how all the candidates couldn’t get close enough to donald (!!?)

One speaker says that donald is the 'Babe Ruth of politics" because he hits the ball out of the park every time.
Even Aunti Maxine with her vigor and fearlessness may be opening an advantage that the GOP will take advantage of – because attacks on the deplorables, Sarah, Kristjen etc. don’t show our inclusiveness and tolerance. There is a needle that needs to be threaded here… but our own awareness of their adoration for donald needs to be raised. To them the attacks only energize the base.

Don’t be manipulated into vitriol by actions that they are going to be taking in the next few months to trigger our ‘worset angels’. Don’t let them – as the old saying goes ‘get your goat’. Keep focus on the positive and discard attacks on them and theirs when you can. JMO.


“People ask me why I feel compelled to express my disagreements with the president. I believe that when you are known as a member of a “team,” and the captain says or does something you feel is morally wrong, if you stay silent you tacitly assent to the captain’s posture.”



Mittens on a good day.

Meanwhile, in RMoneyville…does anyone know where he stands on his own (adopted) states’ rape of natural resources by mining companies at a National Monument eliminated by tRump in Utah? Those mining companies are allowed to pay $0 in royalties to the gov’t for resources that belong to this country while being allowed to make a fucking profit off them.

We may need to consult a windsock to tell us how Dimwit Mitt feels about this one.


“I do not make this a daily commentary; I express contrary views only when I believe it is a matter of substantial significance."

WTF is “substantial significance?”

Is obstruction of justice substantial enough for you? Or misuse of the power of the office? Or kidnapping children? Or persistent lying? Or a cabinet chock full o’ nuts, incompetents and grifters? Or profiting from the office? Or starting a trade war?

Speak up any time, sir. I can do this all day.


Hey Mitt!

What would YOUR DAD do?



As the eastern sun backlit the trees this morning,
a hopeful thought dawned on me:

I visualize a desert in the West

Snow-tipped mountains not imagined on the rim ahead

Spinning plumes rising and falling in the shimmering heat,
dust deviling around the implacable cholla and creosote

It seems foolish to work so hard with water out of reach

But try to tell that to the frenzied mirage builders

They sought to bury the water vapor of us
in the sand of their lies
but instead shoveled themselves a fitting demise

You digging too, Mitt?

I’ll believe that when I see it, “hero”.

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