Discussion: Romney Aiming For Kingmaker Status In GOP

Discussion for article #223855

He’ll end up cementing his “Loser For Life” status.


Why, he’s nearly as popular as Eric Cantor.


Big thanks to Netflix for the puff piece whitewash “documentary” about Romney that left out…oh, just the most relevant aspects of his run for presidency - like you know, his views on policy. That certainly helped his popularity. Probably the most laughable line in the film was when they defended their car elevator by saying Ann NEEDED it, because of her condition. Riiiight. And non-billionaires with her condition are just totally incapable of getting from the car to the house, because they don’t have a car elevator.

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the “buyer’s remoter” crap is a MSM construct. Eric Cantor has shown that the real “buyer’s remorse” is turning out to be the rethug congress.


Campaigning with Joni Ernst who is essentially a tea party/GOP bomb-thrower/RWNJ isn’t helping anything for anyone.

Well, he is the failed chosen leader for a party that’s focused on corporate money. In corporations, abject failure at an executive position doesn’t mean somethings wrong with you, it means you didn’t have the right team of people to compensate for your weaknesses. So sure, it makes sense Romney would continue to exercise power in the Republican Party, he has lots of money, lots of… um… money, and he almost won once.

Luck with that, Willard. Time to toss the dog on the roof of the Escalade, and take your act on the road…

I trust that Mr Romney is smart enough to not invite Mr Cheney to his shotgun outing.

Is it possible for a pawn to make a king?


Wait for the teaparty to eat him alive. As witnessed with Cantor, there is some real economic populism out there in the GOP. If a Repub is willing to trash crony-capitalism, there is an audience out there in the GOP that enjoys it. Mitt’s support is an inch deep.

Well, a queen at least.

Because that worked out SO WELL for John McCain when it was his turn to fail miserably at Presidential Politics.
Mittens should just retire to his mansions to spend his time counting his money.
It is all he really cares about anyway.

“I don’t think he’s ever been more popular than he is today,”

Soon after this line I lost interest in this article.