Can’t blame her… When you’re operating in a third-world dictatorship which demands bribes, you pay the fucking bribes.
What this is news? It’s SOP.
Did she have a good time? Did she brink Dracula as one of her party? Trump would like him. He’d like to be one of the undead.
OT: the folksinger and actor Theo Bikel said that a Hungarian and a Romanian would both sell you their grandmother, but the Romanian would deliver. I’ve never figured out if that is more of an insult to Hungarians or Romanians.
For some reason Brad Parscale was in Bucharest recently giving a speech at the Romainan Academy.
Dancila wrote a review on March 25
Trump Hotel DC
Smelly mattress, BLT restaurant!!! Charred steak, mushy peas - lava cake OK. Would not stay there again except we got our sweet deal with the US and now can waive a few regulations on imports, plus extra ‘free hotel stays, per diems’ for children of American dictator. ‘Per diems’ will amount to substantial inroads on our treasury, but am promised a profitable return on investment.
Does anyone care about what the Constitution says about our elected officials gaining profit from foreign heads of state?
Article 1, section 9, clause 8