Discussion: Rohrabacher Criticizes ‘Bogus’ Indictment Of Butina For Conspiring Against US

She’s the assistant of some guy who is the head of the bank and is a member of their Parliament. That’s what we call a spy?

Um… Yes. I think it’s called ‘a cover.’


Let me get this straight.

A sitting Republican Congressman, from a heavily military and conservative district, who his own party members have accused of being “paid by Putin”, has now PUBLICLY criticized the FBI for arressing an alleged Russian Spy? and he is still in office, and the MSM has not spoken one PEEP about it, and his “constituents” don’t seem to care?



Getting close to home now, Dana? Nervous? Worried? Good.


Since when does Russia send young, pretty women at gullible men in business and politics in order to gain access into key social circles? Russia has absolutely never done anything like that.


[quote=“greysea, post:2, topic:74970”]
Um… Yes. I think it’s called ‘a cover.’
[/quote]Aren’t they supposed to wear funny hats or lapel pins? Because otherwise it’s just cynical conjecture :wink:


He told Politico he thinks he should be exempt of any wrongdoing in relation to his communications with Russian officials because he is the “chairman of the committee who has jurisdiction to oversee America’s relations with Russia.”

He told Politico he thinks he should be exempt of any wrongdoing in relation to any criminal acts with Russian officials because he is the “chairman of the committee who has jurisdiction to oversee America’s relations with Russia.”


He hasn’t received all of the payments yet …


I would rather be on a tourist boat getting hit by flying chunks of lava than be Dana Rohrabacher, because the lava might miss me. This network of dear friends and civic-minded internationalists is about to blow sky-fricking-high.


And we will all be so amused when it’s revealed how many NRA laundered Rubles you received comrade.

And This
Why am I not surprised
NRA included


Now we know the identity of the Russian loving congressman. I wonder if he was a target or a co-conspirator?


And surprisingly enough her boss is by a strange coincidence a highly placed person in Russian government and banking circles, and reputed by authorities to be a higher-up in the Russian mob as well. If you do him a favor he can do you a favor. So nothing to see here.


Well let him yak on. Here’s the deal. Being locked up in a foreign jail is hell. Particularly if that jail is in a country hostile to yours and of vastly different culture. Butina is living that right now. “conspiring against the United Sates” is a serious charge with a long prison sentence if one’s convicted of it. She will be. But she’s 29 and right now terrified. So she can deal or wait until she’s a babushka and walk out of prison with nowhere to go. This is a tough deal for her. She deals and she’s an FSB target. She holds tight and she rots. I’ll bet Mueller has an option up his sleeve though. That’s what Rohrabacher is upset about. Not what happened but what’s about to.


I think one more of my wishes is coming true.

“She’s the assistant of some guy who is the head of the bank and is a member of their Parliament”

“should be exempt of any wrongdoing in relation to his communications with Russian officials because he is the “chairman of the committee who has jurisdiction to oversee America’s relations with Russia”

Thank you for squaring all of that off for us Dana.

Damn, I am giggling like a kid this morning.


I think you nailed it
These putz’s have no idea how smart Mueller is.
They will all be going HUH? WHAT? as federal agents place the cuffs on them and walk them out


> “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.

It looks like Kevin was right all along. He was just guilty of telling the truth.


And his description of them is true. Incomplete but what he said true. ( Russia does not have a parliament though ) It’s what he left out…like money laundering and the injection of big foreign money into our politics while conspiring with American’s to do it. That stuff. The small stuff. Mueller’s a nit picker.


Wait until she produces the red dress.

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When Rohrabacher is indicted, he’ll say, “What took you so long?”


It’s not that he talked to them it’s what he may have plotted that had nothing to do with any legitimate purpose.