I sense a Presidential pardon for Julian Assange - treated very unfairly by the MSM and judiciary, subject of a biggly witch hunt, worked his whole life to reveal the truth…
Great. Tweedledum and Tweedledee are gonna have a meeting.
Nothing good will come of this.
How long do you think Mueller would need to break Rohrabacher? Ten minutes? Five?
Yeah, Dana, that’s a real credible source you got there.
How does this traitorous pawn of a hostile government keep getting elected?
“When the American people realize that this is a con job and a power grab, they’ll be upset.”
Dana, are you talking about yourself or Trump?
I can recommend Aug 21 issue of “The New Yorker”
“Man without Country” is a interesting portrait of Julian Assange.
Rohrabacher, who has been described as “Putin’s favorite congressman,” met with Assange earlier in August and returned to relay Assange’s claim that Russia did not orchestrate the leak of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Well everybody; that’s that. Assange said Russia was not involved in the leak of the emails so it must be true.
Assange also claimed he would turn himself in if Chelsea Manning was released from jail. We all know how that turned out.
By the way, I’m curious at the appropriateness of this so-called meeting that is being arranged. Where will it be done? Isn’t the US seeking to arrest Assange? And why would trump want to meet up with him under any circumstance (other than to clear his daddy Putin;s name)?
Oh and Rohrabaucher is an idiot.
This is a serious ideological problem the western world is facing, the ascent of a religious social conservatism with Putin as its ally. We better have an answer, financial and/or spiritual the can compete with this growing allegiance on the right or our democracy is going to become increasingly autocratic.
When did the Republicans become the party of treason?
Goddammit! How much more blatantly, brazenly obvious does he have to fucking make it that he’s the agent of a hostile foreign power before the FBI takes him down? I’m serious here. He might as well be walking around with a briefcase stuffed with rubles and a card from Putin that says “thanks for all you’ve done for us!” Everybody knows he’s a Russian asset, if not an agent. Everyone in Congress, everyone in Washington, everyone in America. And yet, everyone just goes along as if, hey, Russia is entitled to a set in Congress to, you know, what’s the big deal?
The fact that we have, thus far, heard not even a whisper about the existence of an investigation is an insult to the American people.
And way to go, California-48 Republicans. What a shining example you are of True Americanism you are to keep sending him back.
no, a “rendezvous”
Just slip an Assange colouring book under the President’s door. You’re welcome. You can pay me later
Go all the way back to the Baxters in 1934 California when they trashed Upton Sinclair…
And who knows, it might even be “rendez-vous amoureux”…since they are a mutual admiration pair.
Rohrabacher, Trump and Assange in the same headline? Whom to hate most?
GOP again with the “shoving down the throat” theme.
Officially, in 1980.
Practically, in the mid-30s.
They do seem obsessed with that turn of phrase.
I’m sure there’s nothing homophobic about it though. /s
For what?
Assange is not under indictment in the United States, and a US pardon carries no power whatsoever in other Countries.
This is just how Putin’s cronies get their stories straight and collude, and the Republicans in Congress (who know all about it and claim in private that Rohrabacher is on Putin’s payroll) just shrug and ignore it all, only being interested in TAX CUTS.