Discussion: Roger Stone Wants Thousands Of Trump Allies Marching Streets At Convention

Stone said the goal is to bring thousands of people to march peacefully in the streets.

I’m thinking that a nice torchlight parade might be effective.


Also a great opportunity to make some dosh on the side. Notice: all these “public servants” can’t step out the door without sending out a fund raiser first. They’re not shy: unlike the $27 Berniacs these folks start with $500 and go down to $100. Noble purpose fueled by big bucks. And the threat to delegates pretty blatant.


“Bikers for Trump?” Why am I getting flashbacks to the Altamont concert in 1969 which turned into such a fiasco. I’m sure this couldn’t happen in Cleveland though, right, being as close to Kent, OH as it is, with a moron Republican governor in charge?


All wearing some nice dark tan button-down collar shirts so that they can be recognized.

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I bought into Renolds Wrap ---

I’m gonna be rich I tell ya ! … RICH !

Where can I apply to get the brown shirt concession?

Beat me to it with the Altamont reference.

I was going to say this convention might be a nice bookend to the astroturf project to organize the lumpenproles into the angry Tea Party mobs used to block President Obama’s policies.

What the heck, I’ll say it anyway: If the Town Hall disruptions of 2009 by armed and tea-bag wearing attendees were the Tea Party’s Woodstock, the 2016 GOP Convention could be its Altamont.

And the fact that a biker gang is helping with crowd control and security adds such a nice symmetry.

I ove these cute names and acronyms… “Stop the Steal”… shorter and for around the office (Headquarters), “the SS”