Discussion for article #234959
Another Video Vicar goes to the place he claimed he could keep everyone out of if they just did what he said.
You can take the TVangelist out of the tent
But you can’t take the tent out of the TVangelist.
I wonder if he went to his grave believing the horseshit he was selling, or did he figure out it was horseshit long ago?
This charlatan smooth-talked thousands of dollars out of my vulnerable, widowed grandma.
Imagine his surprise when he found out there’s no heaven.
Couldn’t Crystal Cathedral Megachurch be shortened to Crystal Methedral?
Humanity was uplifted today by the far-too-late death of this creep. Good riddance.
I’m imagining his surprise when he finds out that some of the 40,000 gods he didn’t believe in are waiting to express their displeasure.
I was in Amway way back when and they push the same books that Schuller did. I read many but all I got out of them was the positive outlook and some little sayings that have stuck with me.
Its basic salesmanship really.
These evangelical business-types always forget about that rendering unto Caesar part of Jesus’ teachings. Also about how hard it is for the camel to get thru the eye of the needle.