Discussion for article #239945
HISTorY SHMIstorY. THE sIMPLe facT reMAINs that THIS is ANother exaMPLE of OHBummer DICtatory OVERReach WORTHY of STALIN and/or HITLer!!!one!!1!1!!!
Republican Politician gets history wrong. Film at 11.
And again at 8, 9,10,…, heck just watch Fox.
Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts.
- The modern GOP
further proof that the GOP-controlled US Congress is the world’s most useless piece of shit body
Facts? We don’t need know stinking facts when there’s outrage to be had on the twitter! Outrage. OUTRAGE!!!
It would not be the first time a president was credited with something that happened before he was president or blamed for something that happened before as well. See history of GOP criticisms of Obama for the Bush depression and Iraq war. Also Ryan blamed Obama for a Wisconsin plant closing that happened the early summer of '08.
Again, no. The mountain wasn’t “officially named” in 1917. It was merely referred to in the law as Mount McKinley. There has never been a law passed that named the mountain.
Many militia members (who I believe are all baggers now) blame Clinton for the Ruby Ridge incident even though that event occurred when Poppy was President.
My favorite is still the one where people believe Obama was responsible for the disastrous Katrina response.
See, that feckless Kenyan went back in time and changed the so-called “facts” when he was on his Dr. Emmet Brown inspired mission to plant his birth announcements in Hawaii newspapers.
I know a guy who has climbed Denali a couple times. All the climbers call it Denali, not Mt McKinley, and I suppose the probably reflects local usage too.
It will be interesting if any of the Alaskan delegation will stand up for Obama and shut down their Republican colleagues on this issue.
Would be nice, but I won’t hang by the neck waiting for that.
Don’t look that good in blue.
Facts? Why let a little thing like reality get in the way of my pre-conceived outcomes to events that may or may not have happened? After all, I’m a Republican, do you expect me to actually behave in a logical and sane way?
So they blame WSJ because they couldn’t bother the search out the facts themselves.
They will believe and repeat anything Rupert Murdoch tells them to…
Because he’s a posturing moron. Your modern GOP.
Who can forget historian Sarah Palin’s version of Paul Revere:
“He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.”
Liar liar, pants on fire
“But I like my version of history better than the real one!!!”