Discussion: RNC Spox: Trump 'Very Clear' We're Going With 'Aggressive' Clinton Attacks

She must go after his lack of specifics on policies, building a paid-for wall is not a policy, probably stay away from sexual references because that could turn into a swamp, but leave people thinking about the holes in his proposals. But I go back to what John Boner said, and I’m paraphrasing. Trumpet has alienated women, Muslims and others and there just aren’t enough white men who can carry him to victory.


Yeah, my picture-resizing skills aren’t the best, the actual size is fairly small!

The Mafia connections are a big deal, though. Just the picture of Trump with Roy Cohn ought to give voters of a certain age the creeps. Cohn being Trump’s mentor says all you need to know, really.


You may have missed this.

Painting Donald Trump in his true colors (burnt sienna) won’t help.

In actuality, it is only part of his voters who feel this way. For the rest, they are not simplyly indifferent to these qualities; they are why they find him so attractive in the first place.


Reminds me how a declining demographic of aging white Southern Republican woman inevitably expresses her relief that any incoming GOP admin is bringing “class back into the White House.” I remember hearing this when the child-out-of-wedlock (not that that there’s anything wrong with that) Reagans came in after the model family Carters, and when former cokehead/drunk W replaced the Clintons. “Classy” to these doyennes has nothing to with character; it’s all about class … in the other sense of the word: Do they belong to the most exclusive country club? Do their kids go to private schools? Are they used to butlers? Most importantly, are they so unapologetically wealthy that they won’t sully themselves with giving even a tiny little shit about the middle class or below? That, to these people, is the epitomy of class.

Mark my words: This subset of Republicans will say this again if Trump wins – except with a strong dose of racism. They’ve spent eight years believing against all evidence that a brilliant, gracious, moderate constitutional lawyer is nothing but an over-his-head version of Stokely Carmichael; that his just-as-brilliant, just-as-gracious up-by-bootstraps businesswoman wife is some stereotypically screaming Black Welfare Queen; and that their wonderful marriage doesn’t count for anything: They must be living off Food Stamps or something while having babies out of wedlock. Must be. That’s what these people see when they see our president and his lovely family – and you need not scratch the surface too deeply to figure it out.

Trump and Bill C. are both asses when it comes to their personal treatment of women. But somehow in these shit heads’ minds, Trump is forgiven and Bill’s unfaithfulness somehow tarnishes Hillary. The accomplished professional who’s borne through her husband’s misbehavior admirably was an aider and abettor – a victimizer herself of other women. But Trump’s third (or is it fourth?) wife — the one who actually committed adultery, who shows every sign of being an amoral pea-brain entitled to her specialness only by her willingness to flaunt her body, either will be ignored, or worse will be lauded as a lovely trophy.


Maybe it’s because some us here are of a certain age that we understand the significance of Roy Cohn and who is was but that was mid-Fifties. For most of his supporters you’d first have to explain just how evil Cohn was and why and then go on to describe how he mentored trumpf in the art of evil All that explaining might be too time consuming in the 140-character world and TV soundbites world too many people live in.


Precisely. And tRump cannot control his anger when deservedly punched in the nose.

I anticipate 24x7 lawsuits!

She is a master of the How to Attack Your Opponent and Still Look Polite school. I think that’s the perfect tone for her. But there will also have to be some down in the mud nasty attacks that will send Donny off the rails. Those will have to come from other people (and will make Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter Wars with Donny seem like playful banter). Mark my words. He will say something before Labor Day that will make even seasoned political junkies like us gasp at the pure egregiousness of it.


He’s referring to McCain not going full birther, and Romney not bringing back Jeremiah Wright and bringing up the “whitey tape”. Because those totally would have taken down Obama, just like accusing Bill Clinton of rape will take down Hillary.

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Because Trump is a counter-puncher, he has to punch first.

Oh I agree. The man has pissed off EVERYBODY but white men and evangelicals who don’t like him all that much but hate Hilary Clinton and think they have nowhere else to go. If she keeps asking ‘how, how, how,’ people will go, ‘this guy doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing’ and sit on their hands. That will be the depressing strategy for 2016: who can get the most of their opponent’s voters to sit on their hands.

Bill Maher once said that anybody who lives there knows that Jersey is full of these guys who claim to know a guy who can get them a great deal. Von Clownstick’s most rabid backers have simply not met that guy before or don’t believe he’s that guy.

When he was asked a while back what his goals were, you know what he said? “Winning. I want to win all the time.” So what happens if you get the presidency? Where does that leave us?

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Well, not really. Von Clownstick LOOKS like a counter-puncher, but he’s not. You have to goad him into responding to something idiotic—like the birth certificate thing, for, example–or even better, something that really doesn’t matter, like, is he really a billonaire, or the size of his hands. Once Von Clowmstick responds to something like THAT, it’s not with the disciplined attack of the counter-puncher, it’s with an enraged, foolish Haymaker. THAT’S when you go for the throat, because angry people make all kinds of mistakes. And once you hurt this guy, you keep on hurting him until he isn’t moving anymore. To keep on with the boxing metaphor, this is the kind of guy you NEVER turn your back on. Once you’ve got him down, you stomp on his throat.

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What a sanctimonious, pathetic FK. They are gonna ‘rip the hide’ off Hillary? When did they STOP? Oh and will it be with the truth or lies? They don’t seem to matter to either the RNC or Spicer…or Trump for that matter. A bunch of frauds, the lot of them…want what’s best for our country? DON’T VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!

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If he were to ram a butt plug into that sphincter under his nose, his looks would improve immensely. He’d be far less annoying as well.


Love this picture. It says “Bring it.”

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Thanks. I did see it, but it wasn’t tough enogh. Not pointed enough. Not in front of a big enthusiastic, cheering crowd. Not saying what millions of Americans - Republican, as well as Democrat - know, but are afraid to say. That Trumpism is Naziism brought to America. This is the umbrella theme that everyone can picture and understand; All the separate, dangerous Trump policies can be arrayed under it. And Hillary needs to say it in front of a big enthusiastic crowd. Perhaps the night of the New Jersey and California primaries, where Hillary will claim the delegates for the nomination. And Hillary needs to keep saying it every day, tieing up Trump in ropes woven of his own hateful rhetoric. Then, let the country (and the hopelessly incompetent “journalistic” fraternity) start arguing over whether Trump is really a Nazi, or whether he is only a bully and a bigot. And let the denizens of the left wing be pummeled on why BS never had the balls to call out Trump lime Hillary has done.

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It’s HUGE!

With any luck, it’s just a matter of time.

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