Discussion for article #222011
Nup, the GOTP and it’s zombies walked right into this’un. FoxSnooze made him the hero of the month, Hannity luved him up. Most every GOTP pundit jumped straight into bed with him without even taking any time to consider that he could become toxic in this election year. They pretty much made like a dog rolling on a dead skunk and are whining now 'cause the stink won’t come off.
It’s so typically GOTP!
Dude. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Oh I don’t know it would be like Hillary saying how wonderful the work of the Symbionese Liberation Army was.
Eh, I didn’t see any Democratic supporters for this lunatic. The only in-your-face supporters were also the out in front RWNJ’s… So, you built him…You bought him…deal with it.
One of the primary reasons the GOP is linked to Bundy is that their official media arm, Fox News, made Bundy out to be a hero and mentioned/featured him 100’s of times.
Had Fox News ignored him, no one would be talking about the guy.
RNC on Bundy "When similar incidents happen time and time again on the left, there is zero coverage. Absolutely zero."
I’m afraid I have to agree with the GOP here. I’ve never, ever read about hundreds of protesters on the left aiming loaded weapons at duly-sworn federal officers. There’s been zero coverage of that. “Absolutely zero.”
" Spicer said. “He is a Nevada rancher that had a beef with the federal government’s continued overreach and suddenly this became a question when he made some inappropriate comments about what every Republican needs to answer for. That’s absolutely ridiculous.”
Sorry dude, you have no credibility here. Your collective asses have been had. Deal with it instead of blaming the media
The poor Republicans. Always the victims. Always.
Yeah because it doesn’t happen. This Cliven Bundy crap happens every time there is a democrat in the WH. I never see this happen when there is a republican in the WH
It’s that dang CommuNazi media again. All them Occupiers was packin’ heat but was any of that seen on telbishion ?
I’m confused. Is Mr. Spicer upset that the media asked Republicans about Mr. Bundy, or that they were all too happy to give their opinions on him?
Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.
Yep, there is zero coverage because liberals/progressives correctly ignore left wing cranks and push them to the fringe where they belong. But the conservatives can’t praise/embrace the right wing cranks enough. That’s the big difference that the RNC chair can’t grasp. Of all the right wing cranks, Bundy is about as right wing cranky you can get, and a perfect example of this.
Feeling a bit defensive are we?
The GOP has been lumped with Bundy because so many of its leaders and pundits have firmly attached themselves to Bundy’s butt.
the GOP should be careful who they pal around with
Methinks that TeaPublican doth protest way too much. If they hadn’t put such lip-locks on Craven Cliven’s unwashed nether regions, they wouldn’t be wiping the stench of a dozen cattle drives off their deceitful faces. By the way, where’s that codpiece and welfare queen Rinsed Pubis when you really need to skewer him?
I notice he’s still trying to work that government size and overreach idea, even as he rapidly backpedals. They all thought that tyranny-defiance “narrative” would work, even when the racist comments first broke and they were all saying how it was “regrettable” and “not the main issue.” But the trouble is, the feds wisely and shrewdly declined to make martyrs out of these knuckleheads, and the kooks were left onstage by themselves, with their paranoid foolishness and general lunacy rapidly emerging for all to see. So if we’re calling you out for your associations, as someone once put it, tough and too bad.
Spicer, you fucking idiot…you people EMBRACED this colossal asshole!
NOW you want to complain about being called on it?