Discussion: RNC Member: DNC Hack Controversy Is 'False Flag' To Make Trump Look Bad!

Ada, Ada Ada, The Democrats don’t need to run false flags to make Trump look bad, he manages to look bad without any help from us.


Trust me dipshit, we don’t have to do ANYTHING to “Make Trump Look Bad”.
He takes care of that all by himself daily.
So do his clueless sycophants.


You need a new eyeglass prescription. He doesn’t need help to look bad.


If Dr. Fisher supports Trump and this “false flag” is the biggest lie she’s ever seen, she should think about getting thicker glasses.


This is the current position of many disgruntled Bernibots…they claim that it’s a red herring to keep people from looking into the DNC email “scandal”

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Well, Ms. Fisher, just ask wikileaks if they’re partnering with Hillary to do this. Lying Idiot.


So the dnc hacked itself?


But, wait … if Trump is telling us the truth that he has no dealings with Russia, exactly how does the ‘false flag’ then make him look bad? I’m having trouble keeping up with which facts/statements we are supposed to take into account, and which are parked in ‘never mind’ mode, at each turning of the explanatory/denial screw.

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Ada, I’m pretty sure the person most responsible for making Trump look bad is Trump himself.

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We have self-esteem issues.


She’s a black republican female so I already know she’s detached from reality…


At Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Tuesday, Fisher told The Guardian that the controversy over the DNC hack is “a false flag to cover up [Clinton]’s transgressions” and “probably the biggest lie I’ve seen.”

Dr Fisher should probably not say anything further
until she checks the latest spin from Comedy Communist Central.


Why, it’s Watergate II, but this time, the Republican are using Putin, Wikileaks and Snowden as proxies for the break-in

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What? It is possible to make Trump look bad??? There is no investigative reporting or witness testimony that can take the place of Trump himself physically mocking the disabled, calling people “rapists” and “criminals” based on their ethnic origin, and personally attacking and humiliating a female journalist in the most gender specific personal way possible.

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Dr. Ada Fisher? I didn’t know that they conferred doctoral letters upon idiots. I guess you learn something new every day.

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According to Republicans, every mass shooting or incident of terrorism since 2009 has been an Obama-led false flag operation, designed to help him take away our guns.

I can’t figure out why Obama is so good at staging false flag ops to take our guns away, yet so inept when it comes to actually confiscating them.


It must be interesting to live in a world of such certainty that you can simply dismiss any evidence that contradicts your personal narrative. Conspiracy theorists are so desperate to prove those hoof-beats are extra-terrestrial zebras, that when you show them the horse, they complain you died it brown and hid its extra three legs, and how dare you be so dishonest…


and Assange is actually a frenemy.

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I am starting to see a pattern, all Trump or republican supporting african-americans like this woman or take your pick Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Omarosa, Allen West or the idiot sheriff from Milwaukee, are outright morons or at least pretending to be so. And this is bad, because these are all the minorities individuals that your typical republican will ever met, and it will confirm his prejudices.