Discussion: RNC Displays Tweet From White Supremacist As Trump Accepts Nom



At the 1927 Nuremberg party rally, Hitler outlined the Nazi principle that it provided a political faith, rather than a political platform. Hitler claimed: “It wants a leadership in which it can believe, nothing more.”

Trump: “Believe Me.”

The white supremacists are only a tad premature in endorsing Trump. One also takes comfort in the manner in which the press grovels and voluntarily repeats his propaganda.


“Western Triumph” is a fairly obvious white supremacist code phrase. The other ones are like “Western Civilization Enthusiast,” “European Cultural Aficionado,” or anything else like that, this is how people like David Duke refer to themselves (they don’t call themselves “white supremacists,” they use their own language like “pro-white”). Anyone involved in professional politics really should know that.

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No real surprise, it’s the agenda Rs and been pushing since the southern stragity. They’ve just finally quit trying to cover it up.


Explains why they spent so much time gyrating and dancing. Politically incorrect means never again having to say you’re sorry for saying “money grubbing Jew bastards,” “towelheads” or “ni__er.” –

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White Supremacy is as American as maggoty apple pie.

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I’d like to offer what I’m calling the Throat Corollary to Trump’s Razor: Where two explanations are equally stupid, the more malicious is likeliest to be true.


Oh, they do. Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.


What “comfortable”? Their support is integral to him achieving even 30% of the vote. Without them, he doesn’t even get white voters.

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One minor correction, the use of “(((traitors)))” does not imply non-white. Any time you see multiple parentheses around a name, group, etc. that is code for “Jewish”.


Can’t you hear Atwater laughing from his grave (in time to the GOP/Teatrolls’ whistling as they saunter on by)?

You have to understand that a lot of the lying is really dogwhistling that means something else to the Teatrolls. For example, when Donito Trumpolini lied about crime increasing (which all statistics blatantly prove is the opposite of what has been happening for the past decades) he’s not really talking about crime. He’s drawing on the fact that all these white supremacist turds associate crime with minorities, and the minority population IS increasing, both numerically and in terms of its percentage share of the total population, so what he was really doing there was tapping into their white fright, race resentment and anger at the unavoidable demographic shifts that are taking away white dominance. To them, if they see more brown people around than when they were younger, it automatically means crime is increasing, regardless of what the numbers say, so he gets to avoid talking about the real issue directly while still communicating to them that he’s just as angry as they are about there being more brown people around, and that he’s going to do something about it for them if they give him the power.

These “mistakes” with Twitter are no different. They are a way of commiserating with the white-fright race resentment. They are deliberate, planned and plausibly deniable only insomuch as nobody really wants to believe people would be doing something so crazy AND the MSM does everything it can to dissuade us from believing it. But I believe it and I encourage everyone else to believe it too.


this campaign has zero clue what optics are about. if they think this kind of shit will play to grownups in the general election, then they are fools. call them on it. they are creating binders of material for attack ads using their own words and images.

my. how times have changed. abe would be shitting bricks if he saw these clowns.

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I agree.

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This after he tweeted that it was “no big deal” yesterday in an effort to pooh-pooh the whole thing.

hehehe…“abe would be a Democrat if he saw these clowns.”



well drumpf is representing his peeps or should I say creeps…yep that’s way more better

Here’s what I don’t get…They are the RNC. They must have tons of people following them. Why do they even need to retweet from anyone that isn’t a well known public figure?

Does retweeting from random accounts make you seem more folksy? A part of the people? We’re talking about effing twitter here!

Why can’t you just stick with your own original thoughts?

This will be blamed on some intern right? But let’s think about this. Shouldn’t there be only few people that have access to the actual twitter feed for posting/retweeting/liking? Why does some unpaid/underpaid 20 year old have this responsibility? Why doesn’t an individual with some serious weight in the organization have a final authorization in what gets sent out and who has access to passwords? The media should not let them off the hook so easy for things like this. This is such unbelievable incompetence.

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If Abe’s brick-shitting didn’t start about the time his party sold out southern blacks in 1876, it would have commenced by 1920, at the latest.


Shocked/not shocked. At least they have stopped using “dog whistles” and are now revealing their true selves. How long before Trump endorses David Duke? I wouldn’t hold my breath, but…it’s coming.