Discussion: RNC Chief Of Staff Resigns To Take Post At Chamber Of Commerce

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One of two reasons;

  1. Sophistry: They are co-partners in crime anyway with a revolving door between them.
  2. Rats Leaving the Sinking Ship: He sees the handwriting on the wall and doesn’t want to be stained by the massive losses the RNC will suffer in 2018.

Probably both.

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Rats have an uncanny knack for knowing when to get off a sinking ship…


“The chamber announced in a statement that Armstrong’s hiring was ‘an important step toward strengthening the voice of the business community in the political debate speed-fumigating the RNC in panicked chaos’ heading into the 2018 midterm elections.”



Is the Chamber of Commerce finally realizing the GOP is no longer a realiable partner? Or are they looking to take the GOP from the Trumpire? Stay tuned. This should be good :popcorn:


“The chamber announced in a statement that Armstrong’s hiring was “an important step toward strengthening the voice of the business community in the political debate” heading into the 2018 midterm elections.”

strengthening the voice of the business community in the political debate, does that mean “find a way to get T-rumpus out of the WH”?

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Looks like those Russian donations mentioned in Manfort’s notes really paid off.

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