Discussion: RNC Chair: The Media 'Adds Fuel To The Fire' Covering Trump's Violent Rallies

Discussion for article #247648

Rinse is DEFINITELY feeling the heat! He’ll have a nervous breakdown long before the convention.


He’s wringing his hands and crying over something THEY created.

No sympathy here dicklock.


That is the fool-proof way of avoiding bad news–just let it go unreported.


Rinse uses the same logic when it comes to Dentists.
If he doesn’t go, they won’t find any cavities.


Granted, both sides have to disavow violence.

So true. I don’t think I can stand to witness one more knock-down, drag-out brawl at a Bernie rally. And every time Hillary Clinton tells the crowd to throw someone out of one of her rallies, and promises to cover their legal fees if they wander over the line into felonious assault, she cheapens the process.


Ah, yes…

The party of Personal Responsibility is taking no personal responsibilty… again…


Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus argued Monday that
the media was “obsessed” with violence at GOP presidential frontunner
Donald Trump’s campaign rallies and added “fuel to the fire” by covering
those incidents on a “24/7 loop.”
Reince, maybe you haven’t heard of PROFIT MOTIVE. The CEO of CBS said Trump is really really REALLY good for their bottom line. Reince as a GOPer I would have thought YOU would be familiar with PROFIT. After all it’s the central plank of everything conservatives believe. Y’know…free market and all that? Ever hear of it?
Geeze what a dim bulb.


In my humble opinion, GOP (or anyone’s, including Kerry’s and Obama’s) hypocrisy ranks right up there with “evil”, just one of its many manifestations.

That was the Gobbels way of dealing with Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk.


I think I need to try to control the violent surges of disgust and contempt when I read this sort of bilge the way you’d deal with some sort of chronic medical condition with very uncomfortable symptoms that you mostly just had to deal with.

D-town, you know we agree on the media’s prurient fascination with Trump generally. But I don’t see a reason to castigate them for reporting on chronic violence at his events that he eggs on and condones. That’s legitimate news if anything is, you have to admit.


“…Trump has been talking about the violence at his rallies more.”

No, Reince. Trump is not talking about the violence at his rallies. He is exhorting his thugs to commit violence. It’s not like Trump is just some innocent bystander. He is an active participant. Big difference from merely talking about it.

On the bright side for our side, good article by Silver and Enten on five thirty eight this am. They think best guess is Trump will be within about 20-30 delegates short after CA primary, which means he should easily capture delegates he needs from unbound ones going into the convention.


Is he saying he’d rather have substance- and policy-based coverage? If so, then i wholeheartedly agree. I have the feeling that’s NOT what he’s wishing for here.


The Media is just following the smoke. The fire is already there.


Preibus: “But it’s the obsession that I think that also adds to the problem.”

Oh, you mean like the obsession with the “Dean scream”? You broke the media, you buy it.


It is so dishonest and disappointing to see false equivalency in this context by the RNC chair.

Restating the obvious people, but why not -

No other candidate in this election cycle has had violence at their rallies. Not one on either side!

We now ample documentation of both his rhetoric, which creates an atmosphere for this type of behavior and most damning, the way he actually promotes it with his responses.

What’s the goal with that statement Mr. Prebius? Are you really that uncaring about our country? Cynical? Weak? Unprincipled?

And I’d point all this out if it was Democrats doing it.


Oh ff’s sake.
“You guys showing an old white man walking 10 steps out of his way to brutally assault a black man really runs counter to the “rascism ended in 2008, or whenever else we say it did” narrative me and Fox have been working on for years.”


And once again CNN fails to point out that obvious point which would effectively shut him down. CNN: “Can’t argue about equivalency, no sirree!”

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The latest scuffle at a Trump event came Saturday, when video of a rally in Tucson, Arizona showed a protester being punched as he was escorted out of the event. Tony Pettway, who is an airman at nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, later was arrested on suspicion of assaulting the protester.

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who attempts or offers with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another person, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated, is guilty of assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

(b) Any person subject to this chapter who–

(1) commits an assault with a dangerous weapon or other means or force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm; or

(2) commits an assault and intentionally inflicts grievous bodily harm with or without a weapon;



I think Darr was making a “MSM giveth/ MSM taketh away” argument.

I’d presume he actually agreed with you…

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