Sing it loud, Rinse Penis!
RNC Chair: No Woman Should Ever Be Described In Terms Trump Used
Ya think???
Jeebus tap dancing Christ Reince! NO MAN SHOULD EVEN THINK THIS WAY let alone behave this way. I don’t care celebrity, candidate or ordinary guy joe six pac.
…but of course I will continue support the nominee
“No Woman Should Ever Be Described In Terms Trump Used”
“Unless it’s Hillary Clinton! BENGHAZI!..E-MAILS!”
But your candidate did. And I will wager he has made similar statements off-record within the last 24 hours. This wasn’t an anomaly.
“But I wholly support our Republican nominee for president (whatever the fuck his name is).”
No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.” Priebus said in a statement.
Nice try. Focusing on the words rather than Trump’s bragging about criminal assault.
But rape culture is just fine and dandy so long as there’s no evidence left behind for uppity women and their greedy lawyers.
Hence the reasons for all those non-disclosure agreements … even for phone bank volunteers lol
“When you are a celebrity you can do anything you want.”
That’s as scary to me as his rapey, grope-a-logue.
Rience is going to be pouring scotch on his cornflakes tomorrow morning.
Priebus: “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner…”
“When a camera or microphone are present.”
There is one question that Priebus as well as any other GOPer must be asked each time they “condemn” this or that piece of news about Trump: Are you still willing to vote for him?
And this question must be asked each and every time, non-stop. And until it is answered clearly and unambiguously the press should refuse to play along and talk about anything else.
As one of the Central Park 5 described it just now, “this is a dirty old man.” Yep, that’s what he is, and that’s being kind. This man should burn in hell.
I think the plan is to get Trump elected, then get him thrown out of office, so the have Pence, the Senate (likely if Trump is elected) and house. Then they can wreck the joint.
Hey, have you guys seen this??? Maybe he is losing the evangelicals at long last… at least some of them…
I’m sorry, but there aren’t enough Tic-Tac’s in the universe to overcome that…
“No Woman Should Ever Be Described In Terms Trump Used” - but Hillary bad, because reasons that we just made up from total bullsh*t, grumble grumble, so we be still voting’ for Trump.