Discussion: RNC Chair Lashes Out At 'Stupid' WaPo Editorial Blaming Him For Trump's Rise

Discussion for article #246412

Unlike what’s happening on the Democrat side, when they have superdelegates in their back pockets and could give a darn what their grassroots is telling the party. That is not how we operate our party on our side.”

  • Kochs are not grass roots.
  • May be if you follow Democrats, you will learn how to win.

Yeah, now he’s your frontrunner. But where were you 6 months ago, Dunce Priebus, denouncing Trump’s racism and craziness?


Truth hurts, eh Reince?


In the end it was Reince Priebus at the bedside of the Republican party holding its hand as it slipped into that cold night.


Priebus told CNN that it was not his job to police the statements made by his party’s candidates.

I think Chuck Todd would agree …


Pop Quiz:

“I don’t like that man; I must get to know him better.” – Abraham Lincoln, of a political rival.


“He’s a pussy.” – Donald Trump, presumptive nominee for the Party of Lincoln, of a political rival.

Consider these quotes, the political philosophy behind each, and the character of both men.

Question: To the average GOP voter, what is the biggest difference between Lincoln and Trump?

Show your work.

(Answer: Lincoln had a beard.)


This doofus should definitely be the first to be lynched by serious Republicans if Donald “the draft dodging coward” wins the Repulsive Party nomination.

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“to not put my hand on the scale,”

Shortening and changing the primary calendar was his attempt to put his hand on the scale and it is backfiring spectacularly. In 2012 there were 13 primaries/caucuses before Super Tuesday. 8 of them were on different days. 2 were on one day and 3 on another. This time,there are 4 early states and 14 GOP contests on Super Tuesday. Next Tuesday,Trump is gonna deliver a knockout punch. All the GOP Establishment endorsements and cash cow donors can’t save Rubio. They don’t wanna save Cruz either. They can’t stand him. A GOP perfect storm.


Lincoln was a dirty hippie. That’s all I need to know.


Gotta love the desperation to change the subject by trying to stir the Democratic pot with emo-progs.


The mouse that squeaked…


I never thought I’d say this, but please, please, please, bring back Michael Steele.


Reince has lost it.


“Unlike what’s happening on the Democrat side, when they have superdelegates in their back pockets and could give a darn what their grassroots is telling the party. That is not how we operate our party on our side.”

The "grassroots" pay to watch Adam Sandler movies. Their 42" waist qualifies them as "svelte". They think seconds old newborns are sinners fresh out of the womb. They haven't read a non-fiction book cover to cover.....ever. NASCAR is a thing. Frankly should some method of excluding the grassroots from the electoral process be devised it would be an improvement in governance.
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“Mr. Priebus and everyone else ‘leading’ the GOP are Americans before they are Republicans,” the editorial board wrote. “They should act like it.”

Like that’s ever going to happen!

Just take a look at the bagger lead senate…they are definitely NOT American!


I think you have to have had something first, in order to lose it.


“We are Republicans! We are responsible for nothing! Nothing, I say! Certainly not for who we try to put in the White House! Stupid, absurd notion!”


Every Republican leader without exception who went along to get along as the party’s rhetoric got crazier and crazier is to blame. Every single god-damn one. If you didn’t walk away in disgust or get chased out because you tried to talk sense to your fellow GOPers, you’re to blame. They never gave a damn about the welfare of the country and look where we are now—in a situation that is literally unbelievable. So shut your snivel-hole, Priebus. You built this.


“What?! Who, me?! Why, I’m just the little old head of the RNC. What would I have to do with this shitstorm?!”