Discussion: RNC Chair: 'I Don't Agree' With Trump's Proposed Muslim Ban

Discussion for article #243550

If “the message” is that the Republican Party is the party of angry racists, then Trump has done “a good job of getting the message out.”


The RNC is behaving like a beaten spouse.


Trump has “done a good job of getting [the] message out.”

But, but.....you just said you didn't agree with the message.

"But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.” 
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

The RNC chair has called Trump’s candidacy a “net positive” for the national party, saying Trump has “done a good job of getting [the] message out.”…The message being that the GOP is a hateful, raciest, cowardly party…Thank you Mr. Chairman for clearing that up of us…


Stuck between dog crap and elephant dung.


Well, personally I don’t agree with Ed Gein’s tendency to exhume corpses and kill people in order to fashion clothing and other interesting artifacts from their bodies. But what he did was a net positive for the horror-movie genre. All in how you look at things, like always.


what a gutless comment… but, that is to be expected from these cowards.




I just want to say BS

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“but stopped short of a full condemnation of the real estate mogul’s remarks.”

That’s Frank Costanza’s move. Reince had to stop short because of the pledge he forced Trump to sign. LOL!

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Grow a spine, Priebus. Grow a spine, Republicans. To do otherwise is to exhibit cowardice.

If I ran the DNC Id run a national ad in every market that started with 2-3 seconds of Reince Preibus saying something generally stupid and offensive. A narrator would say, “Meet Reince Prebius, the chairman and head of the Republican Party”… cut to various GOPers (Romney, Ryan, McCain, then Palin) appearing with and complimenting Trump. Then run a clip of Trump’s most vile comments. End with Preibus saying Trump has been a net positive and has done a good job of getting the message out, and the narrator asking, “Any questions about where the Republican Party stands?”


I doubt there’e much remaining confusion about where the Republican Party stands. And yet they control both houses of Congress and the majority of state legislatures and Governorships. Speaks volumes about our nation.

Who! “I don’t agree”? Pretty courageous talkin’, Mr. Bean.

Priebus is another RNC mistake.

Yet you and your party will do all you can to get him elected if he is your party’s nominee. So talk is cheep fucknut.

I can’t stand this dude. He has no balls to say, “Enough is enough.” How does he plan to win elections next year?

These guys are giving Republicans no alternative to Trump. Whom do you pick, the fool or the fool who follows him? At least the fool is amusing.

I disagree. I think there’s a great deal of confusion. Entirely too many people operate under the delusion that it’s truly both sides, that they’re all the same. I’ve seen entirely too many Sanders supporters say they’d never vote for HRC because she’s no different than the Republicans. America can’t be disabused of that lunacy often enough.