Discussion: RNC Assigns Staffers To Debate Duty

Discussion for article #242404

We are sorry you had to answer hard questions now put on your big girl/boy pants and get a grip.

The Dem nominee is going to eat them for lunch.


Hillary Clinton spends 11 hours in a hostile interrogation by tea party zealots being asked over and over again if she was a murderer and she handles it like a boss. Walks out of there looking better than any one else in that room.

Republicans spend 2 hours being asked questions from CNBC reporters about their own policy ideas and they throw a hissy fit … “The mean liberal media is asking me questions boo hoo hoo …”
I cannot wait to see these crybabies go up against her in the Presidential debates.


How are they going to fit 14 steering wheels into the clown car before the next debate? :wink:


I might be mistaken, but aren’t these networks corporations…and corporate citizens? Where does the RNC think it has a leg to stand on dictating how they conduct their businesses? Do they expect them to pay for the RNC staffers’ time, too?

Me thinks that this smacks of big government trying to limit the free press. Let’s get the 2nd Amendment gun nuts to protest outside the RNC for the 1st. Amendment.

So this is what comes of Paul Ryan taking over as Speaker of the House? A major assault on the Bill of Rights? What next? Reince and Trump will be telling Limbaugh what he can say or not about candidates? The Republican Party is going full scale fascist.

I think the TeaParty is worrying about the wrong party taking away their guns. Obama would have done it by now. Reince seems to be on a Mission from God?

to make it totally fair the candidates will demand there will be zero steering wheels.


Divide that 2 hours by 10 candidates and they really look pathetic.


Well, at least there’ll be someone to clean the cigarette butts out of the urinals in Chris Christie’s green room.

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It sounds as if Rinse My Prius is being pushed to the sidelines. I mean, now all of a sudden the COO of the Republican National party is dealing with the campaigns? What a clusterf*ck.


Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.


OK then. How about a reality show based debate, but no reality based questions?


Give them all Frisbees. They won’t know the difference.

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Republican voters don’t want ANYONE to SEE who the people they WANT to vote for truly are.

Once EVERYONE watches a debate and SEES how awkward, ignorant, arrogant, unprepared, belligerent, dishonest, bigoted, mercenary, callous and unqualified they truly are, Republican voters can’t DENY that wanting to vote for them EXPOSES how ethically and morally UNHINGED they truly are.

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Absolutely. It sounds like everyone’s in charge and - no one’s in charge. To get the Chief Operating Officer of the RNC involved in this fiasco is just mind numbing…

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Isn’t that what they’ve already been doing?

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One assigned to ‘take the blame’ …unless the debate goes well. Then Rinse will take credit.


Trey Goudy needs to form a debate comity, Elijah Cummings will represent the democrats.

Through painstaking diligence, I have obtained the listing of these staffers:

  1. Mickey
  2. Goofy
  3. Daisy
  4. Donald
  5. Elmer
  6. Bugs
  7. Sam
  8. Minnie

Rinse should use the animal wranglers who work on movie sets rounding up and training the unruly animals who would rather graze than work.


There has been absolutely no one on a R debate stage who any thinking person should entrust to run the government, and so far it’s not possible to sneak a deluded pol into the White House under cover of darkness.

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