It may not be the irrelevant little slap-fight we WANT, but it’s the irrelevant little slap-fight we DESERVE.
Well, excuse me for making a clever pun and not maintaining the moral high ground that is expected of the Left, even as right-wing trolls and pundits are allowed to bad-mouth our president, make up facts and pretty much say whatever the fuck they want.
bring out the pop corn each others they are at fighting among themselves
While I didn’t find that particular comment particularly funny (not to be critical – just my personal opinion) I think you might have misguided expectations what “a site such as this one” is all about.
To me at least, this site is about the universe of moral depravity, hypocrisy, and outrage that characterizes politics. By and large, nothing is going to get solved, no cause is going to be forwarded, and no policies are going to be implemented – this is all about skewering those who’ve earned it.
I come here to learn the latest outrage from the policy makers that isn’t being widely reported or analyzed. And sometimes I get pissed off and take some action, but for the most part, it’s commiserating about our condition.
Nothing can be all things to all people.
Being a non-interventionist, like Paul is and many of us who are actually in military are, doesn’t mean you oppose every military/non-military action being conducted. What it means is you don’t have an obligation to stick your nose in every thing you feel you need to As an example, you don’t need to bomb Iran because you think they are developing a nuclear weapon, however if they have a nuclear weapon and are about to use it, then it is OK to bomb them to prevent that from happening.
Santorum never saw a military opportunity he had no problem sending someone else to fight in.
Rick is spreading santorum ( again. I hope he becomes the next nominee of the Republican party. I hope all of his kids conscript in the military and go to the crusades and the christyrannical wars he’d want to participate in, join the priesthood and don’t use contraception.
Thank you, Yoda.
Flexible and flip-flopping are two different dogs, the latter won’t hunt.
You know, we could almost take these guys seriously once in a while but for the Kerry digs and Obama is evil BS.
Rick seems to be able to see the faults in his equally awful compatriots but has the self awareness of a cabbage patch doll.
Repubs, theoretically wonderful, actually hideous.
this is what is wrong with politicians - they believe you can never change your position no matter how much new information comes to light ie climate change.
is just an elitist word for ‘flip-flopping’.
Yeh------President Obama was elected by man/woman-date.
You do realize that womens’ right to vote has not be repealed ???
This is the tip of iceberg that will be the Republican 2016 nomination process. These knuckle draggers will be slinging the mud fast and furious. Can’t wait.
This madman lost his last election campaign eight years ago by an 18 percent margin and has done nothing of consequence since. Tell me why Politico or anybody else gives a rat’s ass what he thinks about anything.
In 99 out of 100 cases I would agree. I would never crack an unwarranted Christie joke.
But it so happens that Santorum is No. 100. After all the terrible, hurtful, and outright lies he has spewed about gays, the clever (if vindictive) retribution was well deserved. And he needs to be reminded of it whenever he raises his morally ugly head again.