Discussion: Rick Santorum 'Islam Is Different'

Discussion for article #243809

"so the idea that that is protected under the First Amendment is wrong "

Tell that to Jefferson, who specifically referred to ā€œmoslemsā€ or ā€œMahometansā€ when writing about religious freedom here and there. In fact, acceptance and tolerance of Muslims was held up by Jefferson and Madison in their writings and discussions about religion freedom as sort of a litmus test to show just how broad and far-reaching and open the entire concept was intended to be.

You can just smell it on themā€¦the folks like Santorumā€¦that reek of ā€œthis is our chance to get rid of one of our competing religionsā€, naked avarice and sweaty ball sack.


ā€œwhy does the ā€˜goodā€™ sā€” happen when Iā€™m at work?ā€

Seriously Santorum is really flinging breakable stuff and he still wonā€™t make the big boys table.


Who the fuck taught Santorum about Islam? His understanding is utterly wrong. Every last wordā€¦wrong. This is really beyond offensive.


Would that he was half as concerned about Hobby Lobby.


ā€œI know this is going to come as a shock to a lot of people, and and I
mean that sincerely, Islam is not just a religion it is also a political
and governing structure,ā€ Santorum said during the Tuesday debate.
And the divine right of Christian Kings and parliaments isnā€™t? Ricky, you claim the US is a Christian nation donā€™t you? Sooo guess what. YOU are desiring a theocracy my friend. A government bound by Christianity. Your version of Christianity. No other thought allowed.


Hey Rick, what about the Spanish Inquisition? Was that tea and crumpets they served tp prisoners who didnā€™t think like they were supposed to? And what about the crusades that were meant to destroy Islam? Were they just a garden party?

I tell ya folks, on another thread today I suggested this debate would be a derp fest and I see I was not wrong.


ā€œThe fact of the matter is Islam is a religion, but it is also Sharia law. It is also a civil government.ā€ (Rick Santorum)

Note to Ricky: Islam is no more all about Sharia law than Judaism and Christianity are all about Mosaic law, which is every bit as brutal regressive and unforgiving as Sharia.


Did he just make the argument for the separation of church and state?

HOLY #%)(*@) The DERP is strong in this one.

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What a Magoo.

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For Christ sakes, can you believe the lies that spew forth from these self righteous, bible thumping, holy rolling frauds?

Their religion is the only religion???

Any wonder why 35% of the country say NONE when asked about religion.


Well, here are Marco Rubioā€™s views on the inconsistency between religion and our Constitution:

ā€œWe are clearly called, in the Bible, to adhere to our civil authorities, but that conflicts with also a requirement to adhere to Godā€™s rules. When those two come in conflict, Godā€™s rules always win. In essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin, violate Godā€™s law and sin, if weā€™re ordered to stop preaching the gospel, if weā€™re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that. We cannot abide by that because government is compelling us to sin.ā€

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/marco-rubio-united-states-governed-god-not-constitution-video/


It was the comfy cushions

Islam sure is different. Itā€™s not Christian. Canā€™t have that in a Christian nation with a political and governing structure based on the BIble, like Ricky wants.


Well no shit sherlock, there will be no stoning, beheading or dismemberment allowed in the United States. But to the extent that Muslim Americans can voluntarily invoke Sharia principles to resolve the sort of petty bullshit I see on Judge Judy after the Good Wife every Sunday, without breaking American laws or wasting the peopleā€™s time in American courts, then they should be applauded and encouraged! People should open their minds to the possibility that some quantum of insight or wisdom might emanate from world view that differs from their own.

Not exactly. The concept of Din in Islam, just like the concept of dharma in Indian religions is much broader than what we mean when we say ā€œreligion.ā€ Someone probably told him something along these lines and he has taken this as a reason to distinguish it from Christianity. In fact, Protestant Christianity is really the only religion in the world that lacks a more total system, though even Catholicism lacks some of the legal features of Judaism and Islam.

So, rather than being completely pulling this out of his ass like many people in this thread are claiming, heā€™s doing what politicians do and takes a kernel of truth and uses it to get the answer he wants.

But I think you are mistaken if you think the legal codes of all religions are equally ā€œbrutal regressive and unforgivingā€ and are probably in the process confusing inoperative laws from the Old Testament with operative facets of Sharia. (Not that secular laws have done all that much better.)

Attempts to make abortion illegal are almost equivalent to shariā€™a, for they are a religious imposition on the larger general public who may not share those faith-based beliefs.

I said ā€˜almostā€™ because Santorum and his fundie brethren are actually worst than shariā€™a, because Muslim clerics have ruled pragmatically that there are exceptions in which abortions may be performed.

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Using Marcoā€™s logic and support of the Originalist view of the constitution he would be defined as 3/5ths of a Cuban.

The fact of the matter is Islam Catholicism is a religion, but it is also Sharia Canon law.

FIFY, Ricky.

Santorum can be smelled from quite a distance, Sniiffit.