Discussion: Rick Santorum: 'Crazy Stuff' Comments On Contraception Hurt Campaign

Discussion for article #232228

WITHout ALL the CrAZy stUFF Rick SAid, WE’d BE LOOKing at a Permanent REPUBLICan MAJORity that COULD’ve ENACted A purE CRAzy rEPUBLICAN AgeNDA!1!!!one!1!!!


During the period from 434 to 453 Atilla the Hun (R-PA) focused his campaign on the rape and plunder of most of Europe. But in a recent interview with MSNBC, Atilla, who seems to be gearing up for another run in 2016, suggested that was all “crazy stuff.”


And hey, not telling people the crazy shit you believe and would do is exactly the same thing as being a guy who doesn’t believe and wouldn’t do that stuff. At least as far as the MSM horse race reporters are concerned.

Though, granted, Frothy’s failure to pick up on this important lesson of the 2000 campaign doesn’t speak well of his political acumen.


“My campaign was defined about all the crazy stuff that I talk about constantly and think is important. It was the liberal media at work!”

“Oh…and BENGHAZI!”


You do realize this comment is coming from his new corral of campaign consultants, who have crunched the numbers and determined that Santorum has zero chance of getting out of Iowa if Huckabee gets in the race. That is, Santorum loses to Huckabee in a big way.

Which means that their candidate can’t run as the only social con. So they are trying to position him as a more “regular” GOP candidate…with the added bonus of being dumber than most of the others.

Getting a paying job working for Ricky is going to be one of the easiest ways to make money in 2016. True, the paycheck won’t last long, but you won’t have to do a whole lot either. And apparently, he has brought on all sorts of professional consultants this time.


this must be his only job running for prez …by the way how much does that pay to look like a blithering F’N idiot

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If the Democratic Party leadership had any brains and any gumption, they’d immediately pounce on these comments in a major way with the goal of sowing discord amongst the true believers and driving wedges between the two main factions of the GOP. God knows the mainstream media is too cowed, degenerate, and stupid to highlight the hypocrisy, and TDS and Wilmore are preaching to the choir anyhow.

It’s so cute that Rick Santorum still sees himself as a viable presidential candidate.


What’s next on the 2015 “I didn’t mean it when I said it” Retraction Tour? Ricky doing a product endorsement for Astro-Glide?


Absolutely. Even I’d vote for Rick if he stops telling us the crazy shit he believes. Trust me, Rick. Run.

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< DRINK! >

Rickie’s not the sharpest tack in the box.

I think he’d do better shilling that new MJ-infused vag lube…Slogan = You want feel a thing, and neither will she…naturally.

At the end of the article, Time noted:

In contrast with Santorum, Mitt Romney made it clear in a recent debate that he did not want to weigh in on the moral question of contraception. “Contraception. It’s working just fine. Just leave it alone,” he said, providing one of the great soundbites of the 2012 cycle.

It reminds me of the great line from the movie Bulworth starring Warren Beatty. He was running for President, but at the same time had arranged to have himself assassinated, so he suddenly felt that as a candidate he could say what he really felt and not just what focus groups said he should say.

Asked by a reporter for his answer to the race problem in America he replied: “Just let everyone keep screwing until we’re all the same color.”

I think, despite what Rick has to say, we’re well on the way…by 2100, I’m guessing a lot more mocha.


Rickie says as president he would talk about “the dangers of contraception”. Please Rickie just tell me now. What are the dangers of contraception? I can’t wait.

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So let’s lie about how we really feel about birth control, right Rick? Wink, wink, nod, nod. I’m sure your fanatics got the message and will cool it. Not. Rick, you are dealing with the monster you created. When the pope says stop breeding like rabbits, you know that the standard Far Right model on women’s choice is outdated.

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You may lose your eyesight…or perhaps take control of your life instead of being a prisoner to convention and some man’s idea of what your life should look like?

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Bless his heart

He tries sooooooooooooooo hard.

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No, Rick, it was more than just the “crazy” stuff on contraception.

But all I’ve seen you buy from that cache of high priced consultants is a re-hash of your 2012 run but substituting “immigrants” for “contraceptives” in your What Is Evil and Must Be Stopped campaign…hope they gave you a discount.

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Former Senator Frothy Mixture just can’t stop being stupid—in fact, he’s made a career of it, and many other Republicans have joined him in his relentless quest for irrelevancy.

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