Discussion: Rick Santorum Brags He Is The Only Candidate Featured in ISIS Magazine

Discussion for article #241035

Actually the story is about the Edsel. Frothy just illustrates it.

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Stranger still it’s the swimsuit edition of international fundamentalists


so what, my mom had a role on The Secrets of Isis.

Such a badge of honor, being featured in an ISIS magazine.

If you’d like I could send them your home address Mr.Frothy and you could do a sit down interview.

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First they got Perry.

Then they got Walker.

Now they got Congressman Orange.

But he’s right. It IS a wonderful day.

This guy is more encouraged by expressions of disapproval than anyone else I’ve ever heard of.


Yeah, I know, but it’s almost obligatory at this point…


He brags about being in bed with rapists, murderers, and insane crazies who destroy the heritage of humankind?
Par for the course.
Sad really


It’s because they agree with you on so many things.


He’s really popular because his religious convictions are pretty much in line with theirs.


kindred theocrazies

yes - compelling story Rick … and great photos - but seriously, how desperate do you have to be to actually hold this up as some sort of credit to your name?

Rick was the centerfold in the latest of ISIS, The Magazine?

I have seen stupidity on parade before but this comes close to my limit.
Bragging about being pictured in an ISIS magazine? What was the caption?

“Thanks so much Rick for those gas centrifuges and the yellow cake uranium?”

True, it was in the cartoon section. But still.

“I know who they are and they know who I am. No other presidential candidate has been in ISIS magazine,” Santorum said."

I don’t think I’d want such a thing on my resume.

Yes, I’m sure ISIS is talking about genuine concerns about the US in an official magazine published in English. It’s propaganda, and he’s proud of his role in it. Just a complete fool. Fortunately a largely irrelevant one, but that won’t stop ISIS from using him as a recruitment tool.

Follow the link to see the article itself. This is the opening sentence:

Over the last month, a number of crusaders voiced their concerns over the power and drive of the Islamic State, its revival of Islam and the caliphate, and its eventual expansions into Europe and the rest of the world.

And they quote Santorum in support of this claim, in which he basically says the conflict with ISIS is the continuation of a thousand year holy war, and that ISIS is a more or less imminent threat to the West. And as a bonus, he jokes(?) that ISIS propaganda is a better news source than the NYT because they did in fact quote (and presumably characterize) him accurately. So you can see why ISIS would love him to be the poster boy of the West in the Muslim world, even though virtually no one (no one over here anyway) wants him to be president.