Discussion: Rick Perry: If I Were President, There Wouldn't Be Fears Of A Texas Takeover

Discussion for article #236619

“I hope people always question government,” Perry continued, “but don’t question your military.”

Yes, the infallibility of the Pope is often debated and disputed among religious people. But questioning the infallibility of the U.S. military? That's heresy.

First attitude: Washington would be LOTS dumber and proud of it!


An attitude like “why in hell did we elect this moron?”


"…but don’t question your military. Don’t question the men and women who have put their hands up and sworn this oath to our Constitution and defended this country.” - Said the famous secessionist.


Not among the Baptist God-botherers. They think the Catholic Church is not the real deal and that Pope Francis is merely “politically correct” for caring about the poor and how they are treated.


“but don’t question your military. Don’t question the men and women who have put their hands up and sworn this oath to our Constitution and defended this country.”

Who will be the ones ‘taking over’ Texas.


Sure attitudes towards the office would change if you or any other “white guy” were President. I am not so certain about the “lady-in-chief” though.


Little Ricky Perry…the President swore an oath to defend the Constitution and this country. I guess that oath doesn’t matter to Republicans as much as the one sworn by the people we’re busy sending in to nations to conquer them.

Perry thinks this will be the new national anthem:

20% of Texas voters are full blown nuts…another 15% are half nuts…unfortunately they make up to 60% of Texas GOP…


Typical, questioning the policies that put our soldiers in harms way is s disservice to the men and woman of the armed forces. This is the same shit they preached when we illegally invaded Iraq…and there two different things all together


Beck said that distrust among WHITE people who are usually “waving the CONFEDERATE flag” and are typically “very pro-WHITE America and pro-REPUBLICAN government” is unsettling.


Actually paranoids would still be paranoids if Perry were president. Same could be said for anyone else being president. Get real!

Rick Perry On Texas Takeover: If I Were President, Attitudes Would Change

Yup, there would be hysterical laughter, all over the country, every time Perry opened his mouth (followed by a mandatory replaying of the infamous “Oops” moment on YouTube!)

thanks for the fix

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If Rick was President he would only be able to remember the names of two states at a time.


“If I were president” sounds dangerously close to Perry getting ready to offically buy a ticket for the clown car.

If Rick Perry was President, we would all be dead in an ash-filled, radioactive-glass-ground, dystopian landscape that makes Mad Max look like a fairly tale.


This shows just how dangerous of a game they are playing with this one. They want the bump for opposing Obama and any and every thing. But they also realize that being suspicious and criticizing the military might have unintended consequences for a party that most definitely wants to order the military into another war.

If the people have full faith in the “military”, what the really means is they have full faith in the Commander in Chief making the actual decisions to deploy the military.