Discussion: Richard Painter Dodges Questions About Whether He Believes Franken Accusers

Yep. And Franken would have taken his hand elsewhere and apologized.

Unwanted contact. I hug people all the time. Is that unwanted contact, jullia?


Oh come on. He’s making a “aren’t I a cute naughty boy” face in that photo. He knows touching women without their consent is not right. That was the basis of the joke!

He was supposedly a feminist legislator, too, good on women’s issues. If he couldn’t figure out as a participant in that milieu that women are not thrilled about being randomly patted on the ass, he should have listened harder.

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He was at the MN State Fair for a few hours and his hand went to her butt for the picture. OMG. She never said anything to him at the time. She waited llater l she got good and incensed.

Sorry, julia. Were supposed to feel sorry for her?


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If they don’t want you to hug them, yeah. I’m willing to bet a number of people were reluctant, but did it anyway because you expected it.

That’s the equivalent of me gritting my teeth and smiling and pretending I didn’t mind when guys decided I needed a nice fumbledy bumble.

Just because we were socialized to reluctantly accept it before this era doesn’t mean we’re going to put up with it anymore NOW.

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I’m leaving now to make dinner.

But no, we’re not supposed to “feel sorry for her.” We’re supposed to join her in realizing and then saying to the world that it wasn’t right.

Good night.

I’m sorry that you have had that experience. But you can’t condemn every man for what happened to you.

You need to wear a sign that says “Please don’t touch me.”

Then everyone will get it.

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I take it to mean that he simply doesn’t want to be the Senator Frisk v. Schiavo Family of Franken’s guilt or innocence. If you are asking someone who doesn’t know the validity of the evidence what he thinks about the situation, the response is just as valid as asking a Senator MD to diagnose a patient’s viability having never examined said patient, from hundreds of miles away no less. Painter is not any more well informed than your average person on the street, and he isn’t committing to render an opinion about something that no one has investigated. I can respect that.

Until Painter’s unstand on this issue is fully investigated …

I can’t form an opinion on whether or not I should have an opinion —

OH MY GOD. I’m sorry but the “New Standard for Conviction” can’t be an Accusation in the Public Square or we are actually doing the witch burnings of olde. Richard Painter was not dodging ANYTHING and now the dailycaller has ammunition. Is Kornacki working for the RNC now? And FFS where does Franken go to get his reputation back? I am for the #metoo movement, but one thing people have to know, if we don’t topple it’s worst offender, Donald Trump, none of this fight will have amounted to a blip on the radar as we all travel back to 1855…PERMANENTLY. (p.s. I don’t believe Franken’s accusers. A goof off photo of Franken mugging for the camera while his hands are 2 feet away from a person’s plate-carrier vest is evidence of…comedy)

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Why is his job about making decisions about an accusation? That’s making a conclusion about hearsay. Sounds like Painter was fighting off Kornacki who was trying to force him to say some BS and I back Painter on that one.

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Not hardly. He said then and he’s saying now that the matter should be investigated.

Tweeden wildly overstated her case and Stone was lurking in the background. I for one would like to know.

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In the context of a raunchy tour where Leann was doing actual assgrabbing on stage I can see why Franken didn’t think that she would have the least objection to his joke photo.

But when he was forced to think about it he got it: she had no choice in the matter and participating or not in that photo should have been her choice no matter whether she had engaged in raunchy humor in other settings.


Strangely, I think he’d be a more reliable vote against Trump nominees(executive and judicial) than some Democratic officeholders have been.


Any time you hear of Mrs. Reid groping guys let us know.

You mean the joke where she was actually awake while the photo was taken and he wasn’t touching her?

OMG, comedy is disrespectful!?! Has anyone told Monty Python?

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Yes, he did. But that joke is the only thing that was never in question. So if you’re going to get on the high horse of ‘cultural norms no longer permit this’ then you also have to acknowledge that part of the cultural norm shifting is the comedian saying ‘yeah, I look back and say “wow, what the hell?”’

Part and parcel of saying ‘no more’ is that when someone responds with ‘you’re right, and I’m horribly embarrassed by what I did then’, about an incident where there was no violation, it was just in poor taste… you accept their apology. You accept that they have changed.

As for the 6-7 other women who talked to his colleagues… isn’t that the part where due process, not a lynch mob, is supposed to come in? Or are we back to ‘them six girls told me she was a witch, so let’s burn her’?

When all of this went down, I didn’t like it, but I accepted Al’s decision to get the story out of the headlines. I’d also have accepted (and preferred) him deciding to go through the full investigatory process, too.

So yes, when determining how severe the punishment for a crime must be, first you have to determine if a crime was actually committed. A photo in poor taste, where everyone is consenting adults, is not a crime.

And for that, there’s due fucking process.

And just for the record: if there’s a concept out there that is so fucking fragile and weak that mere disrespect is verboten, that’s a concept that needs to be stomped out, hard, because it’s never gonna last. The right to bodily autonomy, the need for consent… these are things that do not need to be sheltered like hothouse flowers. These are not things we must protect from all levity so viciously that we refuse to tolerate free and open expression.

Wrap it in whatever good intentions and moral outrage you like, but your right to not be offended ends the moment it threatens to silence anyone, even the most reprehensible of scum… which this man was most certainly not.

You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.

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Agree about the headline, but it seems like the article says exactly that. Kornacki doesn’t come off looking good here (even just from reading this account).

Cocaine Mitch ?

wow, I’m impressed, didn’t think Mitch had that in him…he should try a little weed also…

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Speculation on the ground after Tina Smoth wa appointed was that DSCC involvement was leading her to be too cautious.