Discussion for article #224791
"[Daily Caller editor Tucker] Carlson blasted the [Washington] Post’s reporting as “embarrassing,” “crackpot stuff.”
Pot, meet kettle.
It’d be really swell if it turned out Tucker was behind this… however, Occam’s razor tells me he’s not smart enough to hatch a plan like this.
And SCOTUS just validated this behavior when ruling that lying to destroy a political opponent is protected by the First Amendment.
Tucker Carlson and his right wing friends are behind the story. They got behind David Vitter in support of his prostitution case in 2007. Tucker, Charles and the rest are egg heads, easily cracked by smarter chickens.
OMG Tucker along with Fox Noise and other right wing nuts working with Commie Cuba how Un American is that???
the daily caller willing to put out all the shit thats not fit to print…but its good for lineing your bird cage… as long as your bird doesnt know how to read
That stench detected is Tucker nuging his tighty-whiteys.
Is there a statute of limitations on slander/libel/defamation?