Discussion for article #235755
Oh no! What will Fox News do now that Sharpton has spoken out against the violence? Sharpton is one of their “go-to” guys to promote their racism.
Just taking a shot in the dark here but I’m guessing they’ll just ignore the real Al Sharpton who said actual words. The only thing that matters is how cardboard cutout race-baiter agitators like Al Sharpton etc. EXPLOIT the situation which wouldn’t even exist if we simply agreed not to talk or think about it. Also culture fathers permissiveness hip-hop music etc. The actual facts don’t matter. You have graphic images and a well-worn narrative to explain them. Workday done! It’s Miller time!
Doesn’t matter. The MSM and Teatrolls will play this as though he’s “just saying that” in public and that behind the scenes he’s furiously kilning a fresh supply of bricks.
Where are civil rights leaders in all of this!? Why haven’t they come out and condemned the violence!? A full day and we’ve heard nothing from any civil rights leaders!?
Oh, they have?
Why is Al Shaprton race baiting!? Who does he think he is!? Why can’t he just go away and stop using the race card all the time!? It’s these civil rights leaders that are responsible for this you know!
A little like telling the victims to behave better than the tax paid peacekeepers.
Edit his comments to show he is inciting the violence, of course.
They will focus on the fact that he condemned the violence on the part of police officers against black people. Fox will claim that Sharpton, along with Obama and Holder, caused this by speaking out against police killing unarmed black people. If they would just shut up, black people wouldn’t be upset because, unlike white people, we need to be told how we feel.