Discussion: Reuters: Trump Dossier Inquiry Now Part Of Mueller's Russia Probe


A three tweet revelation.


Given that this dossier has been all over the news, and much of it has checked out, why is it that Buzzfeed remains the only media outlet to have published it? Why not here, for example?


This is a very big deal. Comey had mentioned in one of his Capitol Hill appearances that they did review the Steele dossier and also had their own independent sources to base their investigation into the Trump-Russia matter.

As Rachel Maddow has noted many times, much of the Steele Dossier has been validated. IMHO there are up to 2 pieces of information that we need to totally blow this scandal wide open.

  1. Hard evidence to validate the Steele Dossier claims that some form of proceeds from the Rosneft Sale (19.5% sold in December 2016) were offered to Trump as a carrot (read: bribe) to sweeten the pot for Trump to go through with the conspiracy.

  2. Additional hard evidence linking the Trump campaign to coordination of the digital ad campaign with foreign individuals, entitles or government agencies (mainly Russian).

From all accounts, Mueller is looking hard at both tracks.


This feels like a leak across the bow. Excellent.


I bet Trump is pissed.


Brad Parscale knows a lot about Trump’s digital campaign. A small website developer with zero political campaign experience cashes $91 million in checks to run Trump’s psyops. I’d wager the boy had some help.

***During the presidential campaign, the Trump camp paid a whopping $91 million to the firm***, which prior to 2016 had no experience in political campaigning.

According to CNN, ***the campaign’s data operation helped it to figure out where Trump’s message was resonating in states such Michigan and Wisconsin***, which were traditionally pro-Democrat but switched to the Republicans and handed Trump victory. 
Hmm, Parscale targeted the same precincts the Russians did in their efforts....................


They’ve been dangling big deals in front of his nose for years—Frum said it was like a dog biscuit thing—and we now know how extensively they work to scramble up and confuse the political scene in any Western or otherwise rival country. Clearly they saw him as a useful idiot. Does this sort of thing extend back to the birtherism days? Just raising the question!


This drip, drip, drip almost certainly has a splash coming soon.


If I were Chris Steele, I might talk to Mueller via secure video link, but no way in hell would I talk with enabler and co-conspirator, Burr.


I would bet anything that it does extend back to birtherism.


I read the full dossier back when it was made public. As much as I would enjoy seeing Trump publicly humiliated with the pee-pee tapes, that’s not the important part because that’s not what will get him impeached or indicted.

The dossier item that attracted my interest was one about corrupt business practices overseas, e.g.: bribery and kickbacks, which the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes a crime. Knowing what we know about Trump’s business conduct, I would be surprised if he didn’t break the law.


When this investigation is complete, that document will be delivered to who? Sessions, right?
How much can Sessions do to suppress or censor the findings? (for reasons of national security, of course). Could his office prevent congress from seeing the full document? Say, a redacted version.
Could Ryan and McConnell conspire with DOJ to suppress any of these findings?
Would the document be subject to FOIA?


I would bet it wasn’t initially his idea to run. Someone suggested it.


That would not surprise me either. I can see how easy it would have been for Putin to put that in his head and he would think it was all his idea, too.


The WHCD was just the reason he jumped, not the initial cause.


Yes - I don’t think the WHCD would have been enough actually. If that had been the entire motivation he could easily have been talked out of it.

I think that’s right and I think the whole fucking thing started in Moscow.


Even though the dossier contains “raw information”, would it be safe to say that nothing in it has been disproven so far?


The dossier has also been of interest to the congressional Russia investigations. Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) said Wednesday that his committee had “hit a wall” in its efforts to verify the dossier because Steele will not talk to them.

Steele will talk to Mueller. I’ll bet Trump wishes he could build a wall to keep any of that info out. Some good news today.


TBH he’s been flirting with the idea of running for a very long time. But he obviously never had the persistence, intellectual chops, or organization skill to make anything serious happen. Something was different this time.