Discussion: Reuters: Mueller Now Looking Into Flynn’s Turkey Lobbying, Too

“Flynn’s consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group, was paid $530,000 by Inovo
BV, a Dutch firm owned by Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin, ostensibly to research
and produce negative PR materials about exiled Turkish cleric Fetullah



The fact that Flynn railed and went “ape shit” with his accusations against Hillary Clinton for the same behavior he engaged in is mind boggling. He’s one sick and twisted dude.


Neither Clinton engaged in anything like Flynn’s behavior, as far as we know.


Alternate headline:

Greedy, Treasonous Ex-General Can’t Get A Break


The Trumpster and Flynn were like peas in a pod and from what I remember, always together from the very beginning of Trump’s announcement for president. There were stories about Trump calling Flynn up in the middle of the night asking questions about politics and things like currency rates and how they affect the economy. Trump must have seen Flynn’s Russian connections as irresistible. And who would know but him and his new best bud. Plus … maybe hangout with Vlad.

So basically, I’m figuring Flynn knows everything there is to know about Trump and their nefarious dealings with the Russians/money laundering. And Trump knows this as well. So accepting that, I googled Trump’s pardoning powers - and too my surprise WaPo has this story stating The conventional wisdom or the Supreme Court jargon to-date suggests that a president can pardon someone before, during or after conviction,” Ruckman said. Is it possible Trump could pardon for crimes he may have committed in some period of time? Absolutely, yes.” it looks like Trump could issue a pardon for Flynn at any time

Down the rabbit we free-fall.

ETA: I think the exception is if Trump was already in the impeachment process. Then he wouldn’t have his pardoning powers.


I couldn’t give a shit about Flynn’s Turkey business as it ended as soon as he resigned. I want him to testify about Russia and the Donald.

Pardoning him is meaningless. I want him to go to jail, but being pardoned doesn’t nullify anything he chooses to share. In fact, it would stupidly give him the immunity he’s sought.


The idea being Flynn will not testify against Trump if pardoned by Trump. Not ‘meaningless’ unless I’m missing something.


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Yeah, but no one around the Dorito Dictator (thanks @irasdad) is smart enough to walk him through this.

Perhaps if there was someone he could call, someone who could intervene and stop the whole investigation because Flynn’s such a great guy, someone who professed loyalty to his reign. But he wouldn’t do that because, it would be wrong.

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OH sure, he and Kushner in particular will get pardoned, but that will be Trumpymonkeybaby giving up the ghost. Game Over if he goes that far.


If he is pardoned, he cannot refuse to testify based on the Fifth Amendment


What you are missing is that, if pardoned, Flynn cannot refuse to testify without being held in contempt. He could lie, of course, but if that’s what he intends, why did he ask for immunity? And lying under oath would re-expose him to felony charges.

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Yes, that’s probably true. I was just amazed when reading about pardons, that the president has so much power, can even pardon himself.

So he testifies. He’ll never implicate Trump in any way and even if caught in a lie relating to himself, Trump can once again pardon him with a blanket pardon: That’s what Gerald Ford did when he granted “a full, free, and absolute pardon” to Richard Nixon for crimes he “has committed or may have committed” while in office. Of course it also applies if he is convicted of lying. So there would be no purpose to question him in IMO.


Flynn asking for immunity is simply to see where he stands, to see what the response back would be. I think that’s all there was to that. And if he lied under oath Trump could once again pardon him.

I was just reading about pardons for the past hour or so. That’s my exposure and I’m sure I found out just enough to be dangerous. But ‘experiencing’ Trump these past six months led me to believe anything is possible.

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But he could only pardon for past conduct and not future conduct.


No, it does not. That would amount to a prospective pardon. He’s pardoned, then he testifies. Sure, Drumpf, while he’s still president, could pardon him again. So then he is called before and lies to a New York (where at least one of the meetings took place) grand jury, and guess what the prez can do then. NADA.


Flyin’ Flynn gets permission to speak with former Thanksgiving dinner. (also next of kin)

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It’s getting close to scandal o’clock - any bets on what it’s gonna be today?

@geofu54 @katscherger @tena @clare @irasdad @inversion @tiowally