Discussion: Retired Gen. James Cartwright Charged With Making False Statements During Probe

And here are some temperatures from around the Nation: 86Ā°, 53Ā°, 74Ā°, 68Ā°, and 92Ā°.


In world news Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.


From Philadelphia: No Blood In Ants
Ants have no blood.


My local TV weatherman here in Atlanta just commented that the high temperature for today would be ā€œknocking on the doorstepā€ of a new record! Itā€™s too hot to stand up.


Sorry, but that statement doesnā€™t fit here - it contains actual information.


Hereā€™s a link to a somewhat more informative McClatchy article.

News, but not breaking up-to-the-minute election cycle news, if anyoneā€™s wondering if this is relevant to your October news obsessions.

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Attack the elite intellectual and his or her so-called ā€œfactsā€. Get 'em!


This article has far more information than Trump can handle.


So much for four stars and integrity.

I love it when the headline contains more info than the story. Are we all out of news up there?


Please for once reduce in rank and loss of some retirement should be the penalty. Less and another 3/4 star will lie and cheat once again with anyone blinking. Remember it all flows downhill, so he has enabled his subordinates to do as they please.

I have no idea what this is about, but expect Trump to pull out the old canard about everyone but Hillary getting in troubleā€¦facts be damned.

Except that pesky detail where one or two women are coming out publicly every day prevents him from controlling the agenda.

I have a partial score just in now: Los Angeles 7.

Someone please, please, please tell me that Cartwright has endorsed Dishonest Donnie.

Oh, no! Iā€™ve been found out!
Must retreat to my hidey-hole!

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Geez, it doesnā€™t even mention which service heā€™s a general with. Assuming not Air Force given the green uniform.

Wait a minuteā€¦We, the United States released a virus and disabled 1000 centrifuges that the Iranians were using to enrich uranium. OUR Congress ā€˜investigated a leakā€™ that said we DID this because they did not want Obama to get credit for it prior to the 2012 election? Do I have this right? These Motherfkers who danced around Petraeus like he was the second coming were willing to throw a different general to the wolves, embarrass the President AND the United States because they are a bunch of petty ass tyrants that canā€™t pull their heads out of their ASSES??? Again, do I have this right?

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It says Retires Marine General.

This is the same Justice Department the right-wingers are convinced is bending over backwards to make the administration look good. LOL