Discussion: Retaliatory Cruz Cartoon Depicts New York Times, WaPo As Clinton’s 'Lapdogs'

Discussion for article #244100

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Lame. Anyway, Dachshunds are totally cool dogs.


Is that the best he can do? PS Fail.

Edit to add: Cruz is a schlong.

Additional edit to add: I will attempt to work the word “schlong” into all my replies from now until New Year’s Day.


I see the TexAssHole is pouring on the lies! The two biggest propaganda rags that endlessly lie about the Clintons are in the tank for Hillary? What bullshit!!!


As if we needed any more proof, RWNJ’s just don’t do humor. As a group, these are people who are mean-spirited, vindictive, punitive, frightened, and angry. They’re irony-impaired, and aren’t reflective enough to engage in any sort of witty self-deprecation. Trying to be funny is simply too much of a stretch for them.


to wit: Dennis Miller is the best they’ve got.


Any cartoon of Cruz ought to have him holding two leashes running to unseen creatures outside the frame. Any time he is holding something like a mic or a mirror, there ought to be two. He just used his young children to magnify his own ‘glory.’

It’s the type of family video which makes people cringe years later and sends kids to counseling.


This thin skinned nut case doesn’t have the mental toughness or stable compassion to be president. HRC
did nothing wrong here and the NYT is hardly pro HRC unlike Cruz’s mother ship over at Fox


First of all, this literal child of Satan—has anyone ever offered proof he isn’t? I’m just raising the question—would dig up dead relatives and dance with their corpses on stage if he thought he could get an extra percentage point out of it. He really, really shouldn’t be lecturing anyone on where the bounds of decency lie. And second of all, I offer as proof of his delusional lack of contact with reality the fact that he thinks he’s amusing when he is so, so not amusing.


If your daughters aren’t fair game, then leave them out of your political ads, especially with speaking parts. And while I also disagree with their portrayal in the cartoon, you did make them an issue.


Hey, Donald said it was OK.

He’s an actor. Like Reagan, but with less charisma.


NYTimes: Bush is right, there are tons of WMDs which will make it to your suburban home from Iraq in few mins, killing all americans.
WaPost: NYTimes is wrong, its actually few seconds.
Darth: Even liberal newspapers agree with WMD coming to your house from Iraq.


Dear Senator Cruz: You will NEVER be elected President of this (or any other) country. You are a lying, hypocritical idiot. Funny how YOU can use your daughters in a political commercial but Anne Telnaes is being “unfair.” Screw you and your family, go back to Canada or Cuba and take your crazy father with you, Please.


Cruz who?

The whole liberal media thing is making me sick. You’ve got to be just stupid to think the media is generally liberal, just dumb. As for the New York Times the paper treated the Clinton administration badly, Al Gore badly and continues to print strangely false stories about Hillary that seem to be Republican seeded misinformation. I cancelled my Times subscription during the W. Bush years when it seemed to be writing puff piece after puff piece on that administration. You must be a yokel rube to honestly think the New York Times is particularly liberal.


That is one of the minimum requirements to be an American Conservative/Fox news watcher.


The president is owed huge, gigantic thanks, but since TPM is not covering any newsworthy stories today here it is from the NYT.

The Americans taken hostage at the United States Embassy in Tehran in 1979 have finally won compensation.

Buried in the huge spending bill signed into law last Friday are provisions that would give each of the 53 hostages or their estates up to $4.4 million. Victims of other state-sponsored terrorist attacks such as the 1998 American Embassy bombings in East Africa would also be eligible for benefits under the law.


Fox News watchers probably think that is hilarious. Everyone else thinks it is pathetic. The whole “liberal media” shtick has been old and tired since the 70s. These guys need some new material.


Call me a yokel rube (though I’ve lived in nothing but big cities all my life) and fucking proud of it. Your opinion and my response to it seems like something we’ve engaged in before, so no need to argue it any more.