All those Democratic “pragmatist” who stood in the way of filibuster reform when the Dems were in charge need to be removed. If you think these wingers will allow the filibuster to stand if they ever have unified control of the government I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Hell these guys don’t even want the filibuster to stand when they know it will face a veto.
With over 3 years to go in the term of a President who doesn’t have any reelection worries to that the GOP can try to exploit.
And then, when Obama is vetoing all the legislation that comes through without any compromising happening in the House and Senate, they will complain about how much power he has grabbed.
This is the GOP Bushido code of suicidal attacks in action. The Japanese in China had a problem, officers led charges against the enemy. That was great for morale building but hard on the officer corps. My guess is that towards the end of the war if you were a live officer with experience you were considered a coward. The GOP is demanding suicide attacks till the only cadres left will be the Gomerts of the GOP.
The teajihadis are celebrating. When the hang over is done Boehner will still be Speaker. The difference is he won’t be giving any Fu*ks any more. And some of his “restive” caucus are gonna be having scalded asses before he leaves town I think. There is short term strategy afoot. Now is the time for democrats to talk to Boehner and get a budget passed. Not all of the repubs are tea caucus members If not the GOP could very well become a regional party and Trump goes 3rd party…
McCarthy has been my rep, not just when he was in Congress, but in the California legislature. When his early career was taking off in the early 2000s, he met with potential backers in our town at an upscale Mexican restaurant. The looks on the faces of some of our local “smart” Republicans after the meet-and-greet was hilarious. In the immortal words of the fish & game warden, “What a little prick.” But Bill Thomas was managing his rise, and late took the option of moving to a $5 million a year consulting position on K-Street in 2006. So basically in nine years we’ve seen Kev vaulted to the highest spot in the House. He will continue to support the resource thieves in the ag and mineral extraction industries, as well as certain defense contractors and Big Pharma (a mantle he inherited from Thomas). He will be poor for a national public transport infrastructure, energy policy, adaptation to climate disruption, scientific research, and children.
“We are going to have Obama as President, we are going to have Pelosi and Reid as minority leaders, and we have McConnell who continues to fail to lift the filibuster, so we’re not going to get our agenda done as it comes out of the House,” Rep. Bill Flores (R TX) told reporters Friday.
Anyone who sees that kind of writing on the wall–writing the voters put there, mind you–and still asks why their “agenda” can’t be forced on the rest of us is just plain too fucking stupid to be at the adult table.
The make up of The House of Representatives is exactly the same. The votes are exactly the same. I don’t see how much can change. Right wingers might get more of their bills on the floor for a vote,but they will still be defeated.
I don’t see this playing out well for the Republicans as we head into 2016. The Tea Party types are only going to be more emboldened, and attempt to make the government even more dysfunctional (if that’s possible). Obama will play these clowns for all it’s worth, and if the Democratic Presidential nominee is smart (s)he will do the same. This will put the Republican Presidential nominee in a difficult position, to say the least. (S)he might try to blame it all on Obama and the Democrats, but that will only work for about 30% of the electorate.
While watching Weeper Boehner go is enjoyable, he was the proverbial “devil we know” and his replacement will likely be a more truculent and intractable loon from the Far Right Wingnuttery of Cons and Baggers.
Since the Speaker doesn’t have to be a sitting member, perhaps Kim Davis could ride down on her tractor and bask in the GOP glow of Rightie support when assuming the mantle of Speaker____ or perhaps David Duke, the representative of the GOP’s true ‘inner being’?
McCarthy (*who represents the Backwardsfield’, CA…the meth graveyard,Central “Alabama” Valley, region of CA) who is definitely a #2…but is seen by the true crazies in the Tea Party as a RINO, seems already to have been crowned by the MSM.
Dickless wonder Gohmert or a “real” McCarthy, Ted Cruz, would be my choice…just for the apocalyptic shits & giggles.
In any case, whoever the GOPigs pick, it’s bound to be a real asshole and a useless, bigoted, hate filled and obstructing creep who will do nothing but harm…well, that’s all they have from which to choose.
Since the first test of leadership for the Rethugs is to be able to bang the Speaker’s gavel without hitting your head or mashing your fingers, Gohmert and King are already out of the game.
An sweet old friend of ours asked me if there aren’t any “…nice Republicans who could be nominated.” ____ Took me a few minutes to stop laughing.
~sigh!~ Well, looks like fun ahead, but my only hope for the immediate future is that Sphincter’ Boehner uses his remaining days to screw Ted Cruz over royally by preventing a government shutdown. BoooYah! And ya’ know…I think that just might be the plan!
This is the problem when you actually start seeing the problems of the world as a series of ‘bumper sticker’ slogans. It diminishes the importance of being able to see an ‘end game’ that flows from a particular course of action.
As was said in one of the early shutdown dramas… “If you are going to take the government hostage in an effort to get your way you better be prepared to shoot the hostage if the other guy doesn’t blink.” Can you imagine the campaign slogans of the GOPers that are seeking to replace Boehner? “Vote for me! I’ll shoot that hostage dead! DEAD!”
Unfortunately, the ultimate end game here severely damages our economy and leaves the GOP brand tarnished and battered. Yes, the hard liners will get points from the militant wing of their base but the militant wing does not win elections. (at least not when there is a decent turnout). The end game here has to take into account the role of the independent voter in the future post hostage election. The inability of the militant right to appreciate and predict the views of ordinary Americans that are outside their feedback loop could very well lead to the current GOP players being driven back into the basement with their bircher ancestors. Boehner saw this and did what he could to keep this end game from becoming reality. But, in the process he also prevented the militant faction of his party from suffering a vainglorious defeat. I am coming to believe that the only way to expose the empty logic of the militant right is to have them ‘shoot the hostage’ and live (and die) with the consequences.