Discussion: Republicans Whine That Barr Is Getting The ‘Kavanaugh Treatment’ From Dems

Well, he’s certainly more pathetic

Boofer had to sit and be humiliated at Trump’s call because, in the end, he’s getting a lifetime job where he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and ruin the lives of the people who disagree with him.

Barr…well, who knows. He’s destroying his (undeserved) reputation for the sake of…protecting Donald Trump?


Winey little snowflakes.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

Name checking Kavanaugh is a new drinking game.

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His reputation in the GOP was that of the Mr. Fox Fixer (Pulp Fiction reference) of the Iran-Contra Scandal as GHWB’s Attorney General. His undeserved reputation, as expounded last night by Chuck Rosenberg (former US Atty for Virginia, former FBI Counsel) was that of Republican, but a DOJ Institutionalist who was not a total political operative.


I get the point. But it was Wolf, not Fox. Unless you were being clever with the treason of Fox News, of course.

And we never did figure out why he showed up, mid-morning, in a tuxedo.

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You can please some Trumpian lickspittle all the time and all the Trumpian lickspittle some of the time, but there is no pleasing all the Trumpian lickspittle all the time.

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Is it just me, or is Ted Cruz’s human form starting to morph into Chris Christie?

Well, on the plus side, it would give you two years to renovate the House and Senate hearing rooms, because you sure as Hell can’t call any witnesses from this mendacious maladministration if that’s the standard.

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May I suggest these people try selecting candidates with some honor, integrity and professional ethics, the outcomes would be noticeably different and APPRECIATED!


So, Barr was treated like a lying rapist? How is that different from being treated like treasonous liar?

Am I the only one who continually notices what a bunch of snowflakes the gops are?

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Pardon me, yes. Mr. Wolf. I was not being clever. I was confusing wild canine species. He was at some late late night to early Saturday party of some sort when he gets the call. Then we see him over at Quentin’s place.

Fuck these Republicans. If Barr is getting the Kavanaugh treatment, Democrats are getting the Merrick Garland treatment. Ever since they got away with that shit they’ve tested Democrats over and over again, stretching all boundaries and norms. I can’t stand it.

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It’s really quite simple.

One is the Zodiac Killer while the other is the Brodiac Killer.

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I hope he gets the John Mitchell treatment before this is all over. Worst defense lawyer I’ve ever seen in action and I’ve seen Rudy.

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He needs worse than the ‘Kavanaugh treatment’. If he is allowed to lie at will, and then spin it away as if it were not a lie the Dems will be laughed out of the next election. People already think the Dems are weak. This guy must be made an example of, for principle alone.

"Republicans Whine That Barr Is Getting The ‘Kavanaugh Treatment’ From Dems"

So What!!!

He’s getting the Kavanaugh treatment from Democrats, too: Being credibly accused of having committed a crime.


So who did Stephen Moore try to rape? Was Squee involved?