Discussion: Republicans Seize On Stoking Fears Of Left-Leaning Mob To Mobilize Voters

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“Mob!” “Mob!” “Mob!”
“Death Panels!” “Death Panels!” “Death Panels!”
“Benghazi!” “Benghazi!” “Benghazi!”
“Emails!” “Emails!” “Emails!”


Mob? Didn’t see any clubs, guns or swords. This is what Democracy looks like! When you try to put people on the bench by dishonest, undercover means, people get upset.


Fear and smear is all they’ve got.


Yep. If you think sexual assault should be taken seriously you’re basically an antifa at this point. I think two things: this idea that the base is totally energized now is a load of crap. And the people that are really energized (read: enraged) aren’t on your side, fellers. But yeah, keep on talking about mobs who said and did vicious things like saying “You’re telling me that my assault doesn’t matter! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” Saying it in tears. Because that’s how mobs act. Keep it up, you sons of bitches.


not just mobs, but paid mobs.

My heart aches with the dishonesty of it all. Are we on the same arc as all other empires? Is crash and burn next up on the horizon barring a grand slam from DOJ in the bottom of the 9th with two outs and an 0-2 count?


Republicans have good reason to fear the majority of Americans. “[T]he right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” strikes fear into their craven hearts. The poor Republicans. Always the victims – always.


Surprise, I feel validated what I’ve believed for years: Democrats should embrace the left-leaning mob and save the introspective, big vocabularies for policy making. Every time a Republican speaks, there should be three Democrats calling him a damn liar. Even if we can’t prove it in court to the DA’s satisfaction.


Yep – we now have a GOP that fears democracy.


Frum nailed it:

Maybe you do not much care about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.


The last time I remember seeing a mob it was the GOP who was running the show… and guess who was there to help - Kavanaugh.

Once again proving the GOP is a duplicitous organization that continually pushes their talking points out to the nation.


We have for a long time. At least since Watergate. And Watergate was a symptom, not the disease.


How can I get in on some of this paid mobbing? I’ll bring a sign with a dangerous phrase on it for an extra fifty cents.


All you Republicans complaining about mobs can go have sex with your mother

Mobs? I’ll show you mobs starting with the paid agitators outside the recount in 2000

let’s take a moment to reflect upon one of the most historic episodes of the 2000 battle for the White House – the now-legendary “Brooks Brothers Riot” at the Miami-Dade County polling headquarters.

This was when dozens of “local protesters,” actually mostly Republican House aides from Washington, chanted “Stop the fraud!” and “Let us in!” when the local election board tried to move the re-counting from an open conference room to a smaller space.


Fear us all Republicans have. Period. Without fear Republicans have nothing. For years fear is all they have had. It is up to Democrats to rally their base with the hope that once Republican fear mongering is broken there can be a brighter day for America.


Those FEMA re-education camps are starting to look like a good idea


What did you think? That Republicans were just going to just sit there and lose, without at least dipping into their storehouse of demagoguery, racism, and misogyny? Embrace this as proof that they are very, very scared. Mobilize, and vote. And no equivalency excuses this time. It’s either the Democrats, or watch our country go down the hole, perhaps forever.


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
– FDR, January 20March 4, 1933 (h/t @navamske)
“The only thing we have is fear itself”
– Various Republicans


[quote=“atldrew, post:7, topic:78690, full:true”]
not just mobs, but paid mobs.

My heart aches with the dishonesty of it all. Are we on the same arc as all other empires? - - YES
Is crash and burn next up on the horizon .***…YES …***.

…barring grand slam from DOJ in the bottom of the 9th with two outs and an 0-2 count? …not happening - there was a better chance that the FBI would step up and diligently pursue all elements of concern in the Kavanaugh matter - they simply did not - all that charade did was bleed off some of the steam & further (intentionally) muddy the waters…

This mid-term election is the ultimate inflection point - win big and there is a chance for survival for this nation … lose - significantly fall short of gaining either House or Senate - and the US of the past 240+ years is essentially done… Trump will move on DOJ - Sessions- out - Rod Rosenstein - out … Meuller - neutralized / decommissioned / told time expired … project over
stuff that Trump has been holding off on doing will get rammed down the nation’s throat.
Radical changes - changes that will take decades to unwind - will get slammed through.

because who is going to stop it / the Senate? the House? the Supreme Court? the Army, Navy or the Marine Corp?
The states - good luck with that one - in a bizarre twist the people who champion “states rights” would utilize Federal supremacy to roll troops in a Putin-like power grab and invoke “emergency measures” to take 'temporary" guardianship of a recalcitrant state -
All while vast amounts of the population stands there slack jawed in disbelief at the audacity of the overstep… The cult led by Trump will take crazy ( right wing reactionary) steps on the level of crackpottedness - conspiracy that the right wing nut jobs said that Obama / Clinton / Liberals were going to force upon this nation (but never happened)… multiply by 3 - and they will ACTUALLY DO IT the bastards will actually do it … - and the saner people in this country are going to be bewildered that such heinous things are actually being done.

OK rant over…