Discussion: Republicans Launch 13-State Campaign Targeting Harry Reid

“…fire Harry Reid…”

Come and get me, coppers.

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No; and that is a problem.


Thanks for this. I read the NYT every day but today have not yet got around to it. A little more light on the subject is this. Jonathan Alter on Up With Steve Kornacki on Saturday explained that even IF Democrats lose the Senate this year, huge if, they will likely rebound in 2016 since 24 Rs are running for reelection, and only 10 Democrats are running for reelection. So, look for a Democratic Senate majority who’ll have the back of the new Democratic president. I posted some of this elsewhere earlier if it sounds familiar, but Alter is one wise man and made a cogent argument.

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There will be hell to pay in the next two years if Democrats lose the Senate in 2014. If this happens, they will probably lose more ground in the House as well.

The next president, if a Democrat, even with a new Democratic Senate, may spend an entire first term just trying to get back to today. The House will probably remain in GOP control after 2016.


I hope Democrats throughout the land, and especially in the areas most affected, make the same points that you do to their constituents.

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This is a wake-up call to Democrats that facts and sweet reason will not be enough to win in November. We can’t take anything for granted about the American electorate as 2010 showed. This is an eye-for-eye fight. Then we can all be blind-drunk after the election, hopefully in celebration.


It is not at all certain the Democrats will lose the Senate this year, and I won’t buy into the gloom and doom cynicism based on repeated talking head commentary predicting that outcome. Non-opinion reporting on Democrats’ improved chances is available.



Repugs, more money then brains. Typical.

Reaching deep for the base. Only GOP voters who would know Harry Reid are the true-believers who think Obama is the Anti-Christ.

But it’s only late July.

Wonder when the GOP launched the anti-Nancy campaign back in 10…

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Thanks for the lift. I’m a pessimist by nature. What really scares me is Democratic overconfidence coupled with lethargy in November, which would lead to 2010 redux.

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It must have been early enough to make August 2010 the nasty month I remember.

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Not only are the Republicans defending 24 seats compared to the Democrats’ 10 in 2016, but look at just some of the seats the Republicans will be defending…in a presidential election year…and likely with a strong Democratic candidate (HRC):

Arizona (McCain, may retire but either way is vulnerable)
Florida (Rubio, vulnerable)
Georgia (Demographically trending Blue faster than the rest of the South)
Illinois (‘Vulnerable’ is an understatement)
Iowa (Grassley will be 82 and probably not vulnerable, but there is always the TP’s lurking)
Louisiana (Vitter resigning to run for Governor - Open seats are always vulnerable)
New Hampshire (Ayotte is vulnerable to either of the last two governors, both of which are interested)
North Carolina (trending Blue)
Ohio (trending blue and suffering from buyers’ remorse)
Pennsylvania (Toomey is extremely vulnerable)
Wisconsin (Johnson is vulnerable)

Meanwhile, the Democrats are defending: California, Connecticut, Colorado, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. Unless some of our senators retire, I see those as all starting out Leans-to-Likely Dem.

Unless the country falls flat on its face or we somehow suffer an embarrassing military defeat, I feel VERY good about our prospects in 2 years. If we can achieve a stalemate this year, 60+ senators is entirely within our grasp.

Here’s today’s reporting on why Democrats have a shot in Georgia with Michelle Nunn. However, I will acknowledge that there are states Democrats will almost certainly lose, West Virginia being one of them

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This kind of state by state breakdown usually goes missing, but taken in its entirety there’s reason to believe Democrats will hold the Senate in 2016 which is what a Democratic president will need to put his/her agenda through. I came by this reporting a few minutes ago about Georgia and its blue trending and Michelle Nunn’s chances this year. They’re good.


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